depression does it occur often in PSP? - PSP Association

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depression does it occur often in PSP?

marytea13 profile image
18 Replies
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marytea13 profile image
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18 Replies
LynnO profile image

marytea 13

I don't know how often it occurs, but I know my husband has it. He talks a small dosage of an antidepressant and it does help. From what I've read, it can be a symptom of PSP and other degenerative brain diseases. I think just having this disease or anything similar could make anyone depressed!


in reply to LynnO

My husband is on a low dose too but wonder if should be increased. And I guess the question is not are they depressed but the question should be "why wouldn't anyone be depressed with this horrid disease!!

easterncedar profile image

I would have said exactly what LynnO said. My guy is on a light dose of generic zoloft.

goldcap profile image
goldcap in reply to easterncedar

mine also.

peterjones profile image

]]]]hi maryt I should think it probably would occur maybe a fraction more than other cases because you have no light at the end of the tunnel ====== yet==== and don't forget that a psp person is thinking about hes family hes carer how people will go on after he has departed from this place there are so many frighterning things to think of if you go down that road money problems

numerous things that might mean a lot to some and not to others I personally take it one day at a time and try and live it === its no good worrying about things that you have no control over I know that's easier said than done believe me I used to worry over every little \thing but not anymore life is to short lets try and enjoy what is left of it petert jones queensland Australia psp sufferer sorry to be so morbid mate

especially on a great day in queensland with the sun shining and the birds are doing there nut outside for a feed so come on all you lovely people with psp take a deep breath and say'' its great isn't it ''see yerr all lake care

marytea13 profile image
marytea13 in reply to peterjones

Thanks Peter u + other repliers are just great mate! Yes the sun is shining here in Perth too! & cooling down thank god. below 30 C! Re birds there's a great show on ABC 'hello birdy' William McInnis's stars + the birds - William lost his wife to cancer so he's very empathetic on screen. I have it set to record. last night he did birds of prey - one used to clear out a football field - of seagulls! Cheers Pete

in reply to peterjones

Dear Peter, Thanks for that. Yes, you made me say 'it's great isn't it' and I needed to, as missing my father so much, he died from PSP 7 weeks ago. I needed that jolt. The sun is shining here in London today, for a change, and I feed the birds too and the foxes and stray cats that hang around in my back garden. Just thought, cats and birds don't actually mix very well! Any way they all seem to take their turn to feed and no mis-haps yet. You did not confirm that I might be made an honorary Aussie ' in absentia', after I sent you brithday greetings! Would that be possible, in this strange world of PSP, sufferers and carers together? Good on you mate. Anne

peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to

hi nader hows it going ok I hope\\ I was sorry to hear about your father mate 7 weeks is not a long time is it they say that time is a great healer but as I said to someone else on here its waiting for that time to go but life goes on doesn't it mate

im sure your father would not want you to be sad would he \\\ well matey I have just made you an honorary\\ ausssie mate now the first thing you have got to do is to shorten your words like g'day mate or aveagoodweekend now repeat after me g'day mate now the other one aveagoodweekend yes that sounds about right mate you have passed a ok anyway Anne your dad will be looking down on you now and saying now why on earth did she want to become a honorary aussie for




in reply to peterjones

Thanks Peter, You are a darling. I am just going to bed, I expect you have just got up over there in Aussie land. No, Dad would not like me to be sad, you are right, I must try to be happy. 23 daffodils out now in the garden and warmer weather promised so that's good. Bye x.

marytea13 profile image

Pete I try not to worry about $ - one of my pensions told me it had finished - paid the last payment - that turned out to be wrong - last payment when I die! Got the W A payment for thermoregulatory compensation so can keep air con on al tough done always do that only when 40 + C Cheers Mary

peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to marytea13

hiarytea 13 how yer going today !!!!!!!! =========that's real good mate what will you spend your last payment on mate \\ that was a right mix up was'nt it I know I had a bit of trouble once with them they never paid me so I went down the joint and told them well some young girl it was she swore that black was blue that I had been paid she said to me'' do you think you could have had it and spent it''i said no I ;bloody aint had it and spent it im not senile yet!!!!!!!! anyway to cut a short story long everybody says to cut a long story short just thought id be different she checked it out out and a fair amount of time she\finally said it was put in your bank a]c ok but it was the wrong bank some 20 odd miles away

can you sought it out well I was fuming but I politely said no I cannot and walked out short story of the week do you say white rabbits at the end of a month mate its supposed to bring you luck

they the months go by that quickly don't they mate

anyway take care mrs mo look after yourself peter jones queensland Australia psp sufferer

glad its a bit cooler for you now in Perth we saw lisa minneli in the convention centre many years ago when we went around Australia sorry about the spelling of lisa mate still cant get my puter to give up the letter I need see yer mate hang in there

marytea13 profile image
marytea13 in reply to peterjones

Thanks Peter My Husband & I went to a WASO concert in Perth Concert hall last night - quite a bit of Mozart who is guaranteed to cheer - have a listen to the Jupiter concerto/symphony = marvellous music - concert hall has best acoustics in Australia! We are going to several concerts this years as I got a companion card that gets me 2 tickets for the price of one! U should have a look at this card Peter as it allows u to go to many events including football! best regards Mary in Perth W A

peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to marytea13

hi marytea 13 in perth WA i am sorry i have not answered your em mate but i have lost all my web pages for some reason or other\\ and i have just discovered a way to get to you all again well ive heard of mosart of course you pick a master of music that i cannot cannot spell hes name right because my puter wont let me have the letter between L AND X

obviously i have heard of mosart sorry mate but what is a WASO

CONCERT THATS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW MATE unless its an army abbreviation i must have led a very sheltered life mate i have had the forms for the companion bit mate but still have not filled them in the questions on there put me off but its a good thing isnt it well mary tea 13 say hi to your other half for me tell him to hang in there mate

best wishes to both of you and enjoy your next waso concert i cant be the only one who dont know what it is see yer take care peter jones queensland australia the best state in australia mate gateway to the north where i live mate psp sufferer

marytea13 profile image
marytea13 in reply to marytea13

WASO = Western Australian Symphony Orechestra

Yes. But it varies as with so many other symptoms from person to person. I recommend taking melatonin 10 to 20 mg before going to bed. Melatonin is an anti depressant that naturally occurs in the body (brain) and works differently from the anti depressants that are being prescribed and often have nasty side effects. You can read up on it on the following website:

I would try this first, not in the morning as it can make you sleepy.

ultramodern profile image

Bonjour all! I think I'll sum up by saying that it's very rare to find someone suffering from this horrendous disease

who isn't depressed....with the wonderful exception of everyones' old matey, Peter DownUnder!

Like most PSP/CBD sufferers my bride was on anti-depressives for her last three years.

And we are all in agreement that anyone diagnosed with this rotten disease and who has an idea how it progresses, has cause to be VERY depressed. Right?


I think a monthly crate of Valium should be standard issue for all carers ,too! And so say all of us!

With all you Pill Poppers in mind.

best, brian.

marytea13 profile image
marytea13 in reply to ultramodern

thanks ultramodern I feel better today after a marvellous concert last see my reply to Peter of down under fame although I share that in another Australian state perhaps the biggest one W A! Cheers marytea13

marytea13 profile image

Thanks Gerko marytea13

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