I completed SBRT treatment for Gleason 7 (3+4) PCa at MSKCC in NYC in November 2021. My PSA was 8.7 right before the treatment.
Since that time:
-- My PSA as of December 2023 is 1.5.
-- I've had no real urinary issues since treatment except for some bouts of urgency especially after sitting for a while or after long car rides.
-- I've had no bowel or rectal issues.
-- Sexual function continues to be a bit inconsistent not because of erection problems (I'm still taking Sildenafil but I don't know if that has actually been a help or just a placebo because I've been on it since the treatment) -- It's more a matter of feelings and sensations, as it were. The sensations and triggers have changed a bit during sexual activity -- it takes a bit to get used to. Surprisingly enough, I still have some ejaculation two years after treatment.
If my PSA continues to decline and I remain cancer-free, then I feel the SBRT treatment was the correct choice for my situation because certain aspects have changed, but my quality of life remains excellent and the side effects, so far, have been very manageable.
Side note -- I was treated by Dr. Michael Zelefsky, and I was quite sorry to hear that he left MSKCC. I can't praise him and his staff enough.