I am interested in hearing from others regarding nutrition and medications to follow and use during radiation TX. What worked or helped and what didn't? I know we are all individuals and do respond differently in our unique bodies! Thanks! Be well. Joe
Things that help...: I am interested in... - Prostate Cancer N...
Things that help...

Being vegetarian is big factor. Also, cancer seems to lower your vitamin D3 level. So I take 5000 i.u.'s daily. There are many supplements to look into. I recommend you do your own research.
Avoid all supplements. Exercise!
I frankly didn’t do anything different during my two separate rounds of EBRT. One regret was the spicy Mexican food I had either the day before or the day of a treatment. I had some diarrhea after that episode. Bland food was a better option.
There are risks with supplements, really unregulated drugs, and picking the right supplier is very important. I use LEF but find the most recommended supplier. Kind of a crap shoot but I also say why not. I used low dose Cialys during treatment and 60 days following to preserve function and things are still good in that regard 11 months post treatment. I have not gotten to a plant based diet yet, but rarely eat red meat and very few eggs. Have hit exercise pretty hard and use a stand up desk at work. Have promised myself to start mindful meditation in the new year. Throw all the darts you can.
Since you mentioned "during radiation", I was told to avoid supplements (which I have taken for over 40 years) during treatment. Apparently, antioxidants can prevent the DNA damage which you need to kill cancer cells.
I read prior to treatment that curcumin / turmeric (highest quality grade only) helps boost the effect of treatment.
I have noted that some state that curcumin can mess up PSA readings. IF that is correct (not sure) seeing as you are being actively treated, the temporary bump or suppression in PSA numbers wouldn't matter.
Do I know this to be true ?
Not sure, but my results to date would be something to consider. At this point in time, my
aggressive G9 might be be remission.
There are other factors that need to be considered, but I tripled my turmeric throughout treatment..
I reached an undetectable nadir (<0.002) in about 12 months, with an ADT combo.
Unfortunately, I have both acid/non-acid GERD so I have to be very careful what foods, spices, supplements, etc., I consume. Thanks for your comments! Be well! Joe
Had 39 treatments for recurrence. Really did nothing special by way of diet and was on Lupron during the radiation. Experienced no side effects during or now 2.5 years afterward. Did try to lift weights and jog. I felt the main thing to do during radiation was to drink the water required by the rad onc and keep your bowels as clean as possible. I did need to take Mucinex at the beginning. Wishing you an easy course of treatment.
The main thing is what not to eat or drink. Nothing spicy, no caffeine, nothing too acid. Your bladder and colon get sore during treatment so do your best not to irritate either. Bland food, decaff drinks etc. Plenty of water.
When I went thru 8 wks of radiation back in 2004-05, I basically did nothing special with diet. However, I continued to swim at the YMCA. Agree, in doing some kind of exercise...I was a bit tired from the 5-8th weeks...don’t remember what I did then...😀
Good luck!
P.S. how many weeks are you doing it for?
Billy, Thanks. I workout at the Y on a regular basis and I think getting to the swimming pool will be a good New Year's resolution as I have always wanted to but never have. I see my RO doc in January to determine what TX would be best for me. Happy holidays and New Year! Joe