Hoping Tall_Allen will comment on this study. See Table 2, development of Peyronie's Disease is a significant predictor of discontinuation of intracavernosal injection (ICI) therapy -- Trimix being an ICI treatment.
Is Trimix Safe?: Hoping Tall_Allen will... - Prostate Cancer N...
Is Trimix Safe?

It's a question of cause and effect. Peyronie's disease isn't very rare, about 10% of men are afflicted, mostly later in life.
Table 2 in the linked publication shows that development of Peyronie's disease was given as a reason for discontinuing Trimix. That's hardly surprising, Peyronie's disease can make intercourse difficult, uncomfortable, or impossible. If so, stopping an invasive ED treatment makes a lot of sense. There's no evidence that Trimix is the cause.
The paper states that
While there is no direct link between the use of ICI and the development of tunical plaque, there is now a link established between RP and the development of Peyronie's Disease.
So multiple studies have shown no direct link between Trimix and PD, but RP HAS been implicated in increased risk of PD.
So the sequence looks like this, in a PCa patient
1) RP
2) ED
3) Trimix
4) development of PD
The patient blames Trimix, but the real cause is RP.
Nothing is perfectly safe. Every man must make his own decision about the risks and rewards of every one of our treatment decisions.
I agree with FCoffey.
I understand that starting penile rehabilitation within 6 months of radical prostatectomy increases the chances or peyronnies. It then becomes visible when the injection gives you an erection for the first time in many months.