Hi all. Im starting to think of trying to get disability benefits but dont know where to start so im starting here lol. Im 57 stage 4 with mets to bones all the way to wrist & feet and lymph involvement. Gleason 9. Ive been at my job for 32 yrs. & live in N.J. USA.
Disability benefits?: Hi all. Im... - Prostate Cancer N...
Disability benefits?

If you are still working start with your HR department. They should be able to help you with short term disability and any ADA accommodations you may need while you are still working. Social Security Disability has an expedited process for folks with advanced cancer. Visit: blog.ssa.gov/social-securit... Your medical records will provide evidence to when you benefits will start from. The sooner the better as Medicare benefits will begin 26 months later. Most you can do over the phone and online. Good Luck!
Visit ssa.gov online – choose “disability,” then select “publications”
Go to your nearest Social Security office
Call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778)
I can tell you from experience to have all your medical information gathered, and in order. Go to the nearest SSA office and hand deliver the first application, which is available online or at their office. Also deliver copies of your medical records with that initial application. Be sure you have made several copies of your medical files, you'll need them throughout the process. You'll likely be turned down on the first application. Go back to the office, and, again, have the files ready, just in case you're asked for it. Dispute the denial, and then go find an attorney who does nothing but SSA disability. Be sure the attorney keeps you up to date on the dispute, if not, find another attorney. Disability depends on several factors, including your age, an impairment rating, (which the attorney should be able to help arrange testing), whether or not you can do ANY work, (including sedentary), and the nature of your disability. You must be able to prove that the cancer effectively renders you unable to work at ANY job. You must also be able to prove that you are not able to receive further training in ANY job, including sedentary work. That's kinda where the age thing come into it, but also the type of skills you have for work plays a big part too. Sadly, cancer patients do not automatically receive disability benefits. The attorney will be paid an amount not to exceed state laws, it's capped at $6000 here in MS. Whatever you do, Please do not go this trek alone! Find a specialist attorney, and be sure to keep up with your medical records. DON'T wait for SSA to gather those records for you; they will take a looong time about it. I'm grateful I was alrady aware of that going into the process. You will also have someone close to you fill out a report about your daily life. I hope all this helps you with the disability merry-go-round. Good luck and God Bless you!
P.S. The attorney fees will come from the "back pay" once you start receiving your benefits.
Compassionate Allowance see if you qualify. I was awarded disability in 45 days. Have all your paperwork and surgery etc to take in. My MO very supportive. Each time paperwork needed signed or questions asked he answered promptly.No attorney. Review that first...
I'm stage 4 metastatic to the lungs. Good luck.
You will be awarded benefits solely based on objective medical evidence if the prostate cancer is either: metastatic (Stage IV) to lung, liver, or other internal visceral organ (excluding bone metastases); or progressive or recurrent despite initial hormonal therapy.