I'm 36+3 and the last couple days I've noticed my baby isn't moving in the same way. She is still moving but not as much as not as vigerously as normal. She's breech so normally I feel ALOT! Should I be worried??
I'm 36+3 and the last couple days I've noticed my baby isn't moving in the same way. She is still moving but not as much as not as vigerously as normal. She's breech so normally I feel ALOT! Should I be worried??
If you're concerned I would recommend contacting your triage for monitoring. A change in movement is worth investigating even if the outcome is to put your mind at rest. Nothing worse than worrying if everything is ok. She's probably having a huge nap or hasn't got enough room to move about but best to check never the less! x
If you feel as if the baby's movement has "dramatically" down you should definetely contact MAU A.S.A.P.
At 36+ wks i imagine the baby's space for alot of movement has reduced inside there. Have you tried doing things like maybe drinking cold water or Eating something acidic such as Pineapple or a bit of kiwi fruit.
If dont fancy doing /eating try rubbing your hands over your baby bump & slightly lift her/him upwards.
10 movements per day is what they expect you to feel from 28 weeks
I'm going on 30 some days he is so active others not as much!
No harm in getting monitored at the hospital or keep a movement diary for a day and then see how you feel.
Thank you everyone! Nice to know we have somewhere to turn to to put our minds at rest!
Hi Snowball84,
I'm 36+4 weeks, and I too have felt a real difference in movements. He's never had a particularly regular pattern with some days being verctive and others not very at all. Now it is quite different feelings, far less strong kicks and more rolling, squirming and stretching type movements, but I feel them far less frequently, if I rest my hand on my tummy I can feel a squirm but don't feel it without my hand there. My midwife told me this is perfectly normal, and I've had a few extra scans for other reasons, so fingers crossed it's just lack of room. Cx
My baby stopped moving as much when I started to dilate, to to hospital get heartbeat checked just in case and ask for an internal exam to see if your getting ready xx