Any ideas on how to shake and wake your baby up for an anomaly scan. I think we have got a real stubborn child out here, which just made me laugh so much.
During my dating scan even when I would smile or giggle and if there is any shakes in my abdomen (even light ones) we would see the baby turning around in frustration as if saying "Get off me I am sleeping!"
And now the little one had its head tucked up in my pelvis hands lying flat on either sides and legs curled up. What a stubborn little kid. I drank 3 ltrs of water to see if we can see clearly the facials of the baby, no luck! the baby was sleeping like a crocodile, it wont move at all.
So we could only check the middle and lower spin, which looked great, the heartbeat was perfect two and it had two tiny kidney's.
and when we tried to check the gender, the baby actually kicked me, and crossed one leg on top of other - can they really do that - and no it dint let us find out if its a boy or a girl.
So we are scheduled for a scan next week. And I am thinking if i get the same problem with the deeply sleeping baby, how do we move it around.
So far I only feel the little one moving either early morning or late night - any ideas on what the other moms did in similar situation.
I wonder if its really gonna be a stubborn little kid like me Now all i wish for is black hair and blue eyes