I had my 20week scan this morning. it was wonderful. baby was hiding behind its arms and was kicking for all it was worth! I think if its a boy, we got ourselves a little future England player haha :P. It was awesome to see little babs on screen again but it was also rather sad as it will be the last time we will see him/her until D-Day (unless theres complications of course). I asked about my waters as I wasnt sure whether I'd been leaking them or not and sonographer said it looks spot on but if worried further to come in. I left very relieved and very in love, with hubby in tow.
20week scan - what a beaut! - Pregnancy and Par...
20week scan - what a beaut!

I love love love the 20 week scan, they are amazing! Glad you had a great view and baby is happy and healthy... The next 20 weeks will fly by x
Ahhhh its lovely that scan its like you can almost touch them...I'm really excited I'm having another scan in 3 weeks I can't wait! Do you still feel like your leaking a bit? Did u go and get it checked because fluid does keep reproducing xx
Aww lovely glad all is super duper xx
Sounds like all going well, brilliant news x
I loved my 20week scan, so reassuring to know everything is OK. The detail you can see is amazing too!
I hope you have a healthy last 20weeks
Fantastic, glad it went so well. x
Lovely, glad all was well. The 29 week scan was magical, I couldn't get over the detail! Next stop D day, hope the next 20 odd weeks go well x