I was prescribed cephalexin for my second UTI - first one was treated with amoxicilin - but read a worrying article here: drugs.com/pregnancy/cephale...
I'm sure doctor knows what they are doing but I'm still worried..;(
I was prescribed cephalexin for my second UTI - first one was treated with amoxicilin - but read a worrying article here: drugs.com/pregnancy/cephale...
I'm sure doctor knows what they are doing but I'm still worried..;(
Yes I took cephalexin for a week, got rid of my uti but I did get really bad thrush, but I soon treated that. This drug is safe to use in pregnancy rather than amoxcillin.
hi Skyblueboston, thanks for your reply. Were you given anything for thrush (anitibiotics also?) and do you know there is anything i can do to stop it from happening? I heard eating yoghurt helps? And why do you say amox is less safe? - just wondering! Thanks so much, doctors are not exactly informative, and this forum really helps
I used canestan cream, checked this is ok and it was, also to help prevent thrush I should ave drank probiotic drinks like Yakult but they ddnt tell me till I rang the midwife and said I now got thrush lol. Also yoghurt was recommended Amoxcillian was fine I started on this but the hospital changed it to cephalexin as its stronger and is more aimed at the point of infection, were as Amoxcillian is more generic! I hope this helps a bit more I'm now 24 weeks and baby is fine also I now dri k cranberry juice everyday.
thanks so much, this really helps - i get worried A LOT, as this is my first baby and i really want to enjoy this pregnancy so having a conversation with someone who has gone through the same stuff really helps I will definitely stock up on probiotics! Good luck to you and your little one x
Cannesten cream is ok for thrush (or home brand cotrimazole 1% if you want a cheaper bill!) but the pessary is not (avoiding a pharmacology lecture, pessaries are absorbed in to the body in a less controlled manner than topical cream)...
'modern' Cephlosporins (of which cephalexin is one) are taken as safe in pregnancy.