How long should I wait to try and get... - Pregnancy and Par...

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How long should I wait to try and get pregnant again after a miscarriage ? I just started to miscarry at 7 weeks, 3 days ago.

Michaelangelo profile image
8 Replies
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8 Replies
Skyblueboston profile image

So sorry to hear this, I had my first misscarriage at 7.5 weeks, I had to have an op o remove baby, so it took me a month to get well plus a while to recover emotionally, thy say to wait til u get your first period. Good luck xx

Michaelangelo profile image
Michaelangelo in reply to Skyblueboston

Thank you, can I ask how u knew you needed medical assistance ? I started to bleed on Thursday lunch time and was advised by the midwife to go to to A and E if bleeding persisted. I did this and was greeted with unsympathetic query of 'why did they send you here' ? I was given a pregnancy test which returned negative and was sent home with the only advice of ' return if your in pain' . As I haven't been able to see my GP yet I have no idea of what to expect, ie is there a normal amount of time to bleed ? Does your cycle take time to get back to normal ? Really appreciate your help xx

Skyblueboston profile image
Skyblueboston in reply to Michaelangelo

In my situation I was supposed to be nine weeks, had a tiny bit of blood went for a scan, and no heartbeat, the hospital said I could wait to miscarry or have an op, for me I just wanted it over ASAP, so had an op. I had my period the next month and was regular ever since. I think the hospital give u three weeks to miscarry otherwise there is an chance of infection, I was already two weeks without any misscarriage signs!

Hi, I know what a hard time this is for you. As I type I have my four month old in my arms and my three year old running around. I thought I would never get to this stage. I suffered multiple miscarriages before each baby and it has been a long and arduous process. I kept going and both of my pregnancies which were successful were conceived within the month following a miscarriage. In fact this last one was a miscarriage, pregnancy/miscarriage, followed by a successful pregnancy. We cling (desperately) to the belief that my body was just getting ready for the one it wanted to keep. I know you will read books and some professionals say leave it a few months. I was lucky. The EPU at my hospital said that was only so they had a better idea of dates and so go right ahead. I did. It was what kept me going. Look after yourself and try again. And, if necessary try and try again after that. Hard work but worth it. I hope for you it is a one off and all the very best of luck to you and your partner.

mummy2 profile image

i remember my fist miscarriage specially blood clots, they was the size of the golf ball but mine was just sack with no baby and i have to pass the sack which was unexpectly which was very scare. l had to keep going bk to the early pregnancy clinic every two weeks until the miscarriage was complete. i am scared i am pregnant and i be bleeding but no stopped, so i don't wanted other miscarriage again. Good luck ok x

rhibot profile image

Sorry to hear your news. I had really mixed advice on how long to wait, varying from as soon as you feel up to it to 1 year! so ask your doctor on that one, but as far as the A&E thing goes. Essentially they are trusting your body to miscarry in the best way it knows how. What they need to do is get involved if that process starts to go wrong and threaten you - which would be rare so don't get scared. Signs that it is not all being handled by your body would be pain and serious blood loss. It was described to me as blood loss much worse than your period would normally be (accepting that there will be clots in it) and accompanied with pain much worse than period pains would be. In terms of assistance - when the body doesn't fully get rid of what they call "the products of conception" (which is kind of cold isn't it!) they may need to assist. My example was a day surgery D&C where they basically get rid of what the body didn't manage to get rid of itself. In and out the same day, a bit uncomfortable for a few days afterwards. Good luck

Hi Michaelangelo, For me bleeding was generally over a week and often longer. They were all twelve week miscarriages. It is not pleasant in the least. The worst feeling I think is the emptiness in your tummy. I am surprised they have not sent you to an Early Pregnancy Unit to check the fetus has gone. Maybe they don't in your area. I am no expert, I only know my own experience. As Rhibot says it is clotted blood, it can feel as though you are passing plums of blood. Don't look down the toilet, it is distressing. Do take it as calmly as possible. You can have babies at older ages than the norm (so keep going and always keep hope) - I am in my forties now due to the length of time it took me to have a successful pregnancy. Please don't be fazed by the medical professionals responses. They see so many and whilst to us it is momentous to them, sadly, it is ten-a-penny. Keep eating well, keep taking folic and pregnacare and believe in a succesful result. My doctor said start a baby project. I learnt to knit and knit a baby blanket. It was a great way to keep faith.

By the way, they say you are most fertile straight after a miscarriage. In my case I found that was true. I forgot about the cycle and got on with it. Good luck.

Michaelangelo profile image

Thank you ladies for sharing your experiences with me. You have helped me work through this difficult time. Fingers crossed I will be blessed again.