Hi, I've just been for my 12 week scan today and the technician revised my due date to make me 11 weeks and a day. She measured baby at 12cm, is this normal for 11 weeks? I've looked online and everywhere said that baby should be only about 4-6cm. Who's right? I know the technician knows what she's talking about, but based on what I've read about size that's how big online says a 15 week baby should be. Or do I just have a large baby growing inside? I know it's a silly question really but I was just curious if anyone knew. Thanks.
Baby size: Hi, I've just been for my 1... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby size

hi she could me the sac aswell if your worried call your midwife xx
Thanks for the reply, I'm not really worried, just curious. Because on the scan it says 12cm at the side, it was a little confusing, she said she'd measure him/her then said 12cm. Maybe she included the legs? But it could be the whole sac too. Who knows. xx
Mine said 10cm on the scan but I got put forward.a week! So I think maybe it is the size of the sac xx
At my scan I was 12+6 and baby measured 67mm which is normal.. 12cm is twice the size of a 12week baby.. Look at ur scan pic it will say the measurement in mm next to crl
I had my scan on friday at 11 weeks and 5 days and was told my baby was about 5cm but not completely sure where the measurement was taken from and to! I would ask your midwife just so you know for sure