Hi, I am 19 years old and have been trying to conceive for the past two years. This is all i've ever wanted and it's just not happening for me. I havent seen my doctor as i am afraid he will just tell me Im too young and not help me. I think there could be something wrong as me and my partner are both quite healthy and dont smoke. Can anyone help please?
Anyone else having problems conceivin... - Pregnancy and Par...
Anyone else having problems conceiving at a young age?? :(

I'm 20 and have a 4year old and 14weeks 5days pregnant but it took us quite a long time to get pregnant but wat worked for us was doing ovulation tests then when we had a smiley face just going out enjoying a night to our selfs getting a bit drunk so we weren't thinking we might get pregnant sometimes its the stress of thinking about it that stops it just 4 a few months stop trying go back to enjoying it. Hope this helps all the best in the future x
Yes I can help ! just like me you want your own little family regardless of your age I went to my doctor at 17 and told her I had been trying for a baby for 2years, I didn't even get questioned.. She sent me and my boyfriend for fertility tests his were great but mine not so much :/ we got referred to a fertility clinic and I had an histeroscopy and laparascopy op to see if I had problems they could see and I got put on metformin tablets I concieved after 8weeks on them but lost that baby .. A few months ago we broke up and a month after that I met someone else and to my shock and amazement I concieved twins the first time of sleeping with him with out any medical help.. Though I did lose one of my twins I am now 14w+2d with my other twin ... Hope tht helps you a little bit.. Oh and I'm 19 too and now also going to be a single mum xx
Oh and ovulation tests didn't work for me before because before I had help I didn't ovulated and release eggs.. Nw I guess I do x
I cannot believe someones 'advice' was to have drunken sex. What kind of advice is that?! Bringing a baby into the world isn't some drunken fumble. its for life! I think at 17 you should spend time enjoying your life before you think about having a baby
Hello, I am also having the same problem im 18 years old.
I have been trying to conceive with my partner for 3 years now. we star5ted trying when I was onkly 15 years old. I have tried ovulation tests and fertility lubricant. ive had 2 months worth of ovulation sticks had about 4 smiley facesin that time and still cannot get pregnant. Im starting to get really worries noe. My mum has 7 children including me so my family don't have any history of infertility neither my partners.
Please email me on tashatamsin1@gmail.com ..
if you have any questions or can help me!
Thank you