In my head, I'm sure I'm pregnant.
Me & my partner have been trying for a baby for 6 months, we're both under 30 and healthy.
I can even pin point an exact day when I conceived (even though I've had intercourse countless times since this particular date that stands out & yes this was around the time of ovulation). I've done no end of Google research, literally sat for hours and just typed in question after question about things I'm experiencing and changes in my body - for anyone else who has used Google to self diagnose, you'll know this is the most ridiculous thing to do.
Basically, I think I might be 10 weeks pregnant. I've put on so much weight and my stomach has started to feel hard, even though I've been attending a slimming club & dieting. I feel as if I'm going to menstruate most of the time. I've become incredibly emotional recently, I have a lot of back and stomach and calf cramping. My boobs have got bigger, and I've noticed brown and white spots on my nipples. I'm always tired, but I can't sleep. I've had dizzy spells, funny tastes.. You name the pregnancy symptom & I promise you, I've experienced it. I'm positive I'm pregnant. But I'm not sure if it's all in my head because I've had "periods" still. For the past 2 months (since the aforementioned date) my periods have been very very light and have lasted a day, then stopped for a day, and then I've had another day of light bleeding. This is unusual for me, as usually my periods would last 4 or 5 days and would be quite heavy and consist of blood clots.
I really don't know what is going on with my body, or my mind for that matter. I know the only way to know for sure would be to take a pregnancy test. But Id appreciate any advice, support or help anyone can offer.
Thank you.