Today I turned 10 weeks. I admit I am a poas'sr due to my a previous miscarriage and my struggle to get pregnant. So far my tests, including last week had nice dark lines. Today I had a faint line.
Upon diluting it did get darker. I'm wondering if it's the hook effect however my hcg levels 2 weeks ago were only 8.000 so surely not high enough for hook effect as apparently at that stage your hcg no longer increases every 2 days and can be a minimum 4 days .
I lifted a really heavy object on Friday now I'm worried I'm miscarrying.
Would a test get darker if diluting if I was miscarrying?
Can't get a scan until new year as sonographer is on Christmas holidays on Thursday and epu won't accept me unless I have bleeding. I did have cramping at weekend tho but that's normal throughout my pregnancy but suddenly past 3 days cramping has stopped and just feel no longer really tender there . What's your thoughts. I've attached photo. One is fmu and other is after dilution with water