hello I am 6 weeks pregnant and have extremely bad nausea and vomiting, I have been prescribed Cyclizine and they haven’t helped, I am still being sick and constantly feeling sick through the day. What do I do with next steps? Thank you
morning sickness: hello I am 6 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
morning sickness

Hi Rennae, I’m sorry you’re feeling so rubbish. I’ve just been going through the same. I’m 11 weeks pregnant and starting to feel better. At my lowest point I reached out to pregnancysicknesssupport.or... and the lady was wonderful at listening to me and giving me accurate information. They also had some additional tips that I hadn’t found in more general websites. They are very knowledgeable on meditations too which may help if you go back to your doctor. My saviours have been richtea biscuits, Jacobs Cream Crackers and Lucozade sport (flat) in orange to keep my blood sugar up and keep me rehydrated. Also buying a swimmers nose clip for areas of the house that are too smelly! Also thinking of what I can be grateful for. Hang in there. It does get better. 🩷
I second this so much - the charity were so helpful, just having someone there to listen! I also recommend going back to your GP and telling them - there are other drugs available, Cyclizine is usually just the first option they prescribe. Otherwise I found coconut water was great as were apples, bananas and dry cereal. Good luck with you, you've got this and it will pass xx
Hi Rennae, firstly, congratulations 😊 I’m sorry you’re feeling so awful though. I had a terrible time when pregnant with my daughter. What helped me was snacks, as I found the nausea got worse if I was hungry. My husband kept a snack box in the fridge for me, and I also kept snacks in my handbag, and desk drawer at work too x x
Its been a long time since i was pregnant but arrowroot biscuits always worked for me! From most supermarkets and taste nice too eaten dry. Worth a try....
You can also take prochlorperazine, ask your gp to prescribe you some x
Hi Rennae!
I too was exactly the same!
Call your doctor back and tell them.
They prescribed me Avomine alongside the tablets your taking. They are a travel sickness tablet that you take at bedtime. Worked wonders.
Good luck xx
Hi Rennae, I was exactly the same, extreme nausea and vomiting from 6 weeks. Go back to the doctor and they will prescribe you something else.
It’s definitely hard but it will get better x
Hi, sorry to hear you’re feeling so awful. It’s really very debilitating. I had HG throughout my pregnancy and unfortunately medication only just took the edge off enough so I could eat. The actually thing that helped me the most was just sitting under the shower, seemed to distract me enough to take the edge off.
I hope yours improves soon. Little changes helped me like not eating after 5pm. And eating a cracker before I actually got out of bed and eating very slowly, like one piece of toast over half an hour. This helped not to be sick.
Good luck!
I’m sorry to hear you are suffering, I had really bad HG with my pregnancy, Cyclizine only worked for 1 day with me. I was then prescribed pymetrozine & Prochlorperazine after going back to the docs & also to the early pregnancy unit at my hospital. They didn’t cure it though, just made things slightly more bearable. Try to keep your fluids up as you don’t want to get dehydrated. I lived on apple juice & tomato soup for about 2 months. Eat what you can but don’t force it, but the plainer the food the better. I also found sucking on boiled sweets helped. Get plenty of rest, it will get easier once you get to the second trimester but I know that can feel like a lifetime away! Hang on in there x