How bad does your morning sickness have to be to get anti nausea medication? I am 8 weeks pregnant and throwing up 2 to 3 times a day. I feel so sick that im just curled up in a ball most of the day. Im finding it difficult to work and difficult to look after my 1 year old. But when i called the gp they said my nausea wasnt bad enough to get medication and told me to take ginger (like i havent already tried that). What can i do?
Morning Sickness: How bad does your... - Pregnancy and Par...
Morning Sickness

I get it whenever i feel sick and its destroying my day they'll give it you if you feel it'll help. Doesn't help me just makes me tired. X speak with another Gp that sounds ridiculous my Dr give it me before i started throwing up and said it should help me not to throw up x
I hope you get some relief soon x
Mine really bad. I'm 15 weeks and still bad. I was unable to keep any food and water down. So I have tablets. You can also speak with your pharmacy they can give you anti sickness tablets.
Gosh, poor you thats horrible. I hope yours dies down soon. With my last pregnancy it stopped around 14 /15 weeks, and i remember weeks 8 and 9 were the worst. I will try talking to the pharmacy, didnt know they could do that. Thank you so much. Hope you feel better soon.
Hey Babysno2 , I am currently 11 weeks 5 days and for the last 7 weeks I also have suffered very bad with nausea and vomiting. I'm one of those people who spends hours google finding 'remedies' and tried nearly EVERYTHING. About 4 weeks ago I started a routine and I rarely get sick IF I STICK TO IT. So, as soon as I wake up I eat 2 chocolate covered rice cakes (bought in tesco). Even though I feel AWFUL and really do not want to put anything in my mouth trust me, within 15 minutes I feel like I can get out of the curled up ball I am in. Also for a person who loves water, its the last thing i can drink now. I survive off of orange lucazade sport - yes high in sugar but I can keep it down and its full of electrolytes so could be worse. If I go more than 2 hours without eating (even a small sandwich) I have set myself up to vomit- like theres no reversing it. I was sick today for the first time since last Tuesday because I didnt eat the rice cakes as soon as I woke up and my whole day has been ruined because of it, but tomorrow is a new day and I WILL eat them lol. I have 0 appetite and really miss food, can't wait til the nausea is gone and I can start enjoy flavours again!
This is all helping me, hope it helps you best of luck with your pregnancy and congratulations xxx
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