My baby is 1month old. I couldn't breastfeed her because I have really inverted nipples. I have been pumping and giving her few formula bottles a day. I want to start breastfeeding her and I need few tips on how to help her latch and suck properly. I'm also scared I may never be able to breastfeed.
Breastfeeding: My baby is 1month old... - Pregnancy and Par...

The best person to contact would be a lactation consultant in your area, they can look at your latch and advise you from there. Pumping and formula are a perfect solution though if breastfeeding is not possible, baby will be getting everything they need to grow and thrive. So don't put too much stress on yourself , having a baby is hard, be kind to yourself xxx
Definitely look into a consultant to help, check out Facebook groups- uk breastfeeding support being a good place to start. In the meantime it’s good to start with a lot of skin to skin to help encourage milk and give baby an opportunity to try. Look into a latch assist if you haven’t already got one as well. But please don’t pressure yourself xx
I agree, reach out to a local IBCLC lactation consultant who will help you to restart lactation. It is possible with the right support.
Hey lovely. I’m not too sure if this response is too late. But the best thing I have used and worked wonders (as I have small nipple) are the nipple shield. Specifically the brand MAM from boots. They are much better than the others. And sticks well. Good luck sweetheart
you are doing really well! Positioning and latch are 90% of breastfeeding. You work as a team. Look up the rugby ball position which really helped me. I also used a nipple everter, which is like a little suction device to draw out you nipples. Try to use the slowest teat possible if giving formula as you want baby to work a little so she or he doesn’t get frustrated at the breast when the flow is a little slower. Relaxation and not getting to stressed (easier said than done!) will also help your let downs. I used an app called Brest to help me get in the zone. To help baby get more milk at the breast also massage and gently squeeze your breast, it’s called active breastfeeding. It’s hard to keep your supply up so pump often (like every 2-3 hours) or put you baby to the breast as much as possible. The first 6 weeks are tough but you got this. Loads of women feed with all sorts of nipple shapes and sizes.