I am currently just over 9 weeks. I am a manager and our venue is extremely understaffed at the minute. I’m currently working around 70 hours a week and have been asking for help for weeks.
I told my boss that I am pregnant (did so in writing) and explained that due to previous health complications and now I have low blood pressure I can not work these hours. I don’t even get the legal 11 hour breaks between shifts, often work 15 hours on my feet with no breaks, I’ve been asking for help for a couple of months. Over the next three days I’m expected to work 42 hours, I’ve said I’m not doing this and it will lead to me losing the baby. He doesn’t seem to get this and is doing nothing to help reduce the hours. If I do not work it then the venue wouldn’t open and I would then be in trouble.
I’m really stuck as to what to do.
I could end up being fired or having to quit by essentially being forced out by refusing to work the hours.