Hiya. My little is turning 6 month next month and I'm thinking of what to give him as a first meal. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anything babies tend to like or particularly dislike? I know that's a funny question because every baby is different but I'm interested to know what others gave them?
What was your baby's first meal? - Pregnancy and Par...
What was your baby's first meal?

Puréed fruit is a good start my baby liked puréed pear and puréed sweet potatoes
I worked on the 2 week first taste of vegetables rule and offered 1 different veg a day (both puréed and as finger food). First day was brocolli.
They say to do 1 a day so you can see if they have any allergies. I did bitter veg first to avoid him getting a sweet tooth and he loves veg more than fruit now but do whatever suits you both best 😊
Depends how you plan to wean. I gave my daughter avocado and some banana in big chunks to begin with and worked from there. She loved it and made a huge mess
Hi Rainbowhope,
My baby turns 6 months in two weeks so I’ve been looking at the weaning options. Like another poster, I’m going for the veg lead approach, different single veggie every day for the first two weeks. The idea is that babies already like sweet things (milk!) so it allows them to explore veggies before bringing in the sweet fruits. sr_nutrition on Instagram has loads of great resources. She wrote wean in 15 with Joe Wicks x
Follow the baby-led wean team Facebook group and her podcast baby-led weaning made easy with Katie Ferraro - you’ll learn so much important stuff from that podcast! X
My baby’s first meal was really soft broccoli florets and broccoli puree
My baby’s first food was puréed sweet potato. We went with single vegetables for a few weeks before introducing other things/mixes. We’re doing a mixture of both purées and BLW but even at 8 months he won’t eat any of the finger foods I give him - it all ends up on the floor 😂
I got a chart from Ella's kitchen to start off with next month too. Will start with veg, more bitter then things like carrots sweet pots etc and fruit.
We followed this chart too and went with veg first. LB absolutely loves avocado with pear, which is one of the recipies in the book. Went with a mix of baby led and spoon feeding which always ends in a catastrophic mess and is great fun. Annabell Karmel also has a great book which we use as LB is now 7 months and we're adding texture to purees.