Hi there,
My son is 15 months old and to be honest, I just hoped he'd eventually magically sleep through the night and no longer wake up wanting the boob. At one point I did manage to get him to sleep until sometime after 3am before he'd wake wanting milk,but then he got ill and we're back to multiple wakings a night. The nighttime feed and first in the morning are the only time I bf him now, in the evening he gets cows milk. I think it's time to stop breast feeding or what I really mean time to not be totally reliant on me and hopefully sleep through the night or be able to accept daddy for comfort as I am full time working and some nights I barely get 2 hrs at a time of sleep.
Sorry for the long ramble needed that off my chest. What I'm asking is, how do I stop? Do I just go cold turkey with him and just refuse to boob him? Do I try offering milk or water to him, just cuddles? Let him cry and cry? Is there anyone that's come to the same point as me and gone through this? Should I just carry on another month or 3 and he might stop by himself? Any advice appreciated, thank you all x