Hi there I am 12 weeks pregnant and I’ve got worse than period like cramps and a shooting pain in my bottom and one that comes and goes in my vagina. Has anyone else experienced this?
Cramps and shooting pain?: Hi there I... - Pregnancy and Par...
Cramps and shooting pain?
Yes - these weird pains are quite common as your womb stretches. Nobody mentions this do they? ! Do you have your first scan soon? Hopefully that will reassure you x
It feels really intense and stops me from doing anything. Is that normal too?
I’d suggest calling your midwife or going to get checked out. Likely it’s nothing to worry about but always worth professional reassurance.
I had slight pins from stretching and growing. But yours sound painful so defo call 111 or your doctor. It’s worth having it checked and being reassured.
It’s called lightning crotch. It can be fairly common in pregnancy but if it’s a new symptom then always best to speak to your midwife just to be safe x
It's common to have some stretching like cramps but nothing painful that takes your breath away. Lightening crotch doesn't happen till you're much later on in pregnancy and the weight of the baby becomes is much heavier.At this stage some round ligament pain is common but not pain that stops you in your tracks, I'd call your midwife and dial to them.