Can I stop breastfeeding my twins at three months?
My Twins Two Months Plus: When Am I T... - Pregnancy and Par...
My Twins Two Months Plus: When Am I To Stop Breastfeeding?
You can stop breastfeeding whenever you want to, but it's advised that you move them over to formula one feed at a time so that you don't get engorged and risk mastitis, and it also gives their times time to adjust to formula. As you transition them over you should produce less and then be able just to hand express for relief until your milk stops. They still need milk as their first source of nutrition up until 1yr of age but you can use any formula from the shops as they're all highly regulated so very similar. I'm still breastfeeding my 16 months old and know how hard that's been so to be breastfeeding feeding twins is absolutely amazing, you've done fantastic to get to 3 months, I found that the hardest time. After about 4 months I found my supply really regulated and we found a good rhythm, once those pesky growth spurts get a little bit further apart and was glad that I hadn't given up to bottles. When I went out with my friend and her little boy, she had to pack so much more stuff than me, bottles, formula, hot water etc. So it can get easier as time goes and have its advantages to breastfeed. Maybe you could try combination feeding? Maybe swap a feed or two for formula and use boob the remainder?
Again to get to 3 months is amazing for me because I know how hard it was, so good luck with whatever you choose to do xx
Hi there! You can stop bf whenever you want especially if you start feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Definitely though don't go cold turkey. Seb9s advice is good, drop one feed at a time and if your breasts become to sore only hand express for relief do not pump as otherwise the breasts just think you want more milk than rather than less! Hopefully you'll be able to switch within a couple weeks. Don't feel guilty you've done so well xx
You will get lots of mum police asking about breast feeding, do what feels right to you and what you want to do. Your babies will be PERFECTLY fine on formula x
And a bit of background into formula... as I saw the post saying you need to take lots out with you- I use ready made sealed bottles of milk if I go anywhere I can’t make a bottle easily. Also I bottle fed my baby after 2 days after a very traumatic birth and being readmitted to hospital etc and she has not even had a sniffle. My two friends have babies of a similar age and both were breast fed and have both had colds and illnesses. So don’t worry too much about the whole breast is best x
You can stop whenever you like our breasts are made to feed for life!your life do you I'm on my 4th baby 1st total breastfed till 2 second around 1 year 3rd formula and breast 4th tbc x