My LO is 7 months old and I was wondering when I should stop sterilising his bottles. He has two a day (first and last thing). I don't sterilise his bowls or spoons anymore. Any advice would be a great help.
When to stop sterilising bottles? - Pregnancy and Par...
When to stop sterilising bottles?

Hi, I never sterilized m LO's bowls or spoons, I did his bottles until he was a year old as this was also the time I stopped boiling water to give him as a drink during the day I just gave him tap water.

Thanks. I only drink preboiled water anyway, so i will probably keep doing that with my lo.
I think the recommendation is " sterilize for the 1st 6 months" but you could always keep it handy until your LO is 12 months old as I used to find myself sterilizing bottles after a few uses just to clean the very bottom of the bottles as the formula milk can tend to leave a residue.
I think it's recommended until 12 months as a precaution as babys can't handle the bacteria etc that is in milk
I also believe it's 12 months - also it is recommended that babies drink at least 21 ounces per 24hrs up until the age of 1yr to ensure they get the right balance of vitamins etc....maybe consider reducing solids slightly so milk remains the primary intake?
It's advised to do it for 12 months but I stopped At 7months no point when everything he gets his hands on goes in his mouth. So long as you wash everything thoroughly in very hot soapy water I don't think it's necessary for 12 months! Babies need to be exposed to some germs otherwise when they start school and come into contact with coughs and colds they will catch every bug going! My son is 9 months and has only ever had one cold and never had a tummy bug! x
If u decide to stop sterlising then rinse the bottles in boiling water from the kettle. Because ur storing milk in the bottles for an amount of time bacteria can build up I stopped at 9 months but used boiling water to rinse x
I have a weaning pamphlet that I got from my HV which was produced by the Department of Health where I live. It states in the Food Safety and Hygiene section:
"Up to 6 months old, always sterilise all bowls and spoons used for feeding. After 6 months wash all bowls and spoons thoroughly in hot soapy water."
I would therefore assume that it's the same for bottles. As long as they are cleaned thoroughly and with hot soapy water, the should be no risk after 6 months.
Thanks everyone. I currently soak and scrub everything in hot, soapy water and then sterilise the bottles. I will probably keep doing so for a while longer. Thank you for your feedback.
12 months it is recommended for sterilisation (because of bacteria). To be honest I stopped sterilising everything after my LO was 6 months. She was BF but if i expressed I sterilised bottles until that point. I just gave them a good clean with a separate brush. My thought were that she was used to the bacteria because non of her bowls etc were sterilised either. So I "weaned" her off of sterilised stuff lol.Gave her cooled boiled water as a drink. X
Hi, my LO is formula fed and is nearly 4 months old. He has suffered reflux for quite some time so I am already introducing puree's. He constantly has his hands in his mouth atm and I'm of the mind that all the while he's doing this what's the point in sterilising bottles!! I think I will just for the mo but when he's more used to food and he's having less bottles I will probably stop. Just my experience X