Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum but I can’t find anything anywhere so figured it’s worth a shot!
I’m 20 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have a structural leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter due to shorter bone length), which means I have an asymmetric pelvis / pelvic tilt. I’ve had some really bad pelvic and lower back pain on both sides recently. Pre-pregnancy I’d have have dull aches or niggles after long walks or exercise. It’s now all the time, sitting, standing, sleeping, bending.. I’m wondering if this is just PGP which I’ve read a little about on here, or whether it’s a complication of the LLD.. is there anyone here who has had similar? Anything that’s helped? Any problems with natural births as a result?
The midwife hasn’t come across pregnancy and LLD and I have my first appointment with the consultant next month. Just looking for thoughts and advice.. Thanks in advance x