What if I do sex just two days before menstruating will I get pregnant
Will I get pregnant once I make sex t... - Pregnancy and Par...
Will I get pregnant once I make sex two days before menstruating

Please guys help
If you've ovulated and had unprotected sex you can get pregnant. No one on here can tell you if you will get pregnant or not, if you miss your period take a test,that's the only way you'll know.
No not 2 days before your period is due...highly unlikely. you usually ovulate about 14 days before your period starts. That's if you have a regular cycle every 28 days. You can buy ovulation sticks that you pee on at the chemist or online, that will tell you when your peak ovulation time is, that's if you are trying to get pregnant xx
There is always a risk you can get pregnant when you have unprotected sex, and sometimes
you can still get pregnant when you have protected sex. If you are trying to get pregnant then it’s best to find out when you are most fertile and have sex around that time.
If you ovulated at the normal time, very unlikely.
But if you haven’t yet actually menstruated (which I’m guessing is the case because you are asking if you are pregnant), then there is always a chance you ovulated late. If so, then of course you might be pregnant.
Doing a pregnancy test as soon as you miss a period In 2 days won’t tell you if you are pregnant as it will still be too early. If your period has not come, then you have to wait for 2 weeks after you had sex for a pregnancy test to be positive.
If you don’t want to be pregnant, get the morning after pill from the pharmacy. If you are anxious about asking for it out loud, write it on a piece of paper and give it to the pharmacist. Better to do that than to become pregnant when you don’t want to be.