Hi everyone, I understand that at the moment partners can not attend scans and genders can’t be written down. Does anyone know if you can still be told the gender. Thank in advance
20 week scan gender: Hi everyone, I... - Pregnancy and Par...
20 week scan gender

Hi , I had my scan on 25 June and my Husband was allowed fortunately. The health care practitioner did not have any problem revelling the gender of our baby but we decided not know as we prefer waiting for the surprise.
Best of luck
Take care
It’s worth double checking with your maternity hospital as mine is writing the gender down if you want to find out together. You can definitely still find out the gender on your own though x
Thank you. Unfortunately my hospital isn’t able to write it down. Husband said he’s happy for me to find out first just wasn’t sure if they were still able to look as can take extra time. Xx
Oh that’s a shame. The 20 week scan is quite in depth anyway so it really doesn’t take much time for them to check the gender. I booked a private scan at 17 weeks so we could find out together but they did check and tell me at my 20 week one as well.
Does your maternity hospital have a facebook page? Ours is posting updates as the lockdown restrictions get eased x
I had my 20 week scan yesterday and they told me the genders. Although we did find out privately at 16 weeks so my partner could be there xx
A lot of hospitals are letting partners in for scans again now so he may be able to be with you for it.

Ye unfortunately ours is not at the moment the midwife made sure to tell me again yesterday I had to come on my own. But will get a private scan 2 x
Ah that’s a shame, sorry to hear that. I know a lot of them are being very accommodating in allowing to take a short video or maybe even FaceTime so hopefully if one of those isn’t an option they will write it down so you can find out together when you come out. I had to have 2 scans on my own (growth scans so luckily not the main ones) but the sonographers were Best of luck with it and the rest of the pregnancy x
Sorry why can't some hospitals write it down please?
They all have their own rules so it’s up to them if they allow it or not 🤷🏼♀️
I do understand but I mean what's so special about writing down on a piece of paper something that they tell you orally anyway (if you want to hear it of course)? Is that a special procedure or what? You know what I mean - it seems trivial - take a pen, a piece of paper, scribble it down. I have anxiety and so it makes me worry what other trivial things hospitals "cannot do".