I went for 1st scan today, they saw a sac bt no baby. They reffered me to early pregnancy unit for another scan after 2 weeks. I m so stressed and shattered.
No baby found: I went for 1st scan... - Pregnancy and Par...
No baby found

I'm really sorry to hear that this has happened to you, is there anyway you might have your dates out a bit and not be as far along as you thought? Xx
Hopefully your dates are wrong, it happens to alot of people including myself. Fingers crossed for better news in two weeks time x
If u dnt mind can u share ur experience pls
We has this with our son too. My dates were wrong and we were a week behind so had a 5 week scan where they only saw the sac. Went back at 7 weeks and there was baby there.
Fingers crossed for you hun! Keep us updated! Xx
Hopefully everything goes well, my next scan is on 26th of May. My Gas sac is measuring 5 weeks.
Fingers crossed for you! X
This happened to me, I thought I was further along than I was. At 7 weeks they re did it at they was a heartbeat x
Was it your 12 week scan? Or an early scan? This happend to me when I was meant to be 7 weeks they said I was only 3/4 weeks but if its the 12 week scan then it doesn't sound great 😪.. how big was the sac measuring?
I went for 12 weeks scan, bcoz of my irregular periods they are saying sac is only 5 weeks old measuring 15.2mm. So they asked me to come after 2 weeks.
How big was ur sac at that time
My sac when they said I was 3/4 was 4.2mm but I went back 1 week later and heartbeat was seen and they said I was 5w5d.. when did you get a positive pregnancy test?
I got positive test on 10th of April
Ahh okay so could still be to early then.. did they do an internal scan?
Yes she done internal scan too, i spoke to my doctor back home she said acc to measurements i m 5 weeks, nd its hard to see anything in 5 weeks bt today i m having bit crams in tummy
Cramps can so often happen in early pregnancy, it’s not always a bad thing. Try to find a way to relax as much as possible, worrying won’t change things and everything could well be ok 🤞🏼X
Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope it all works out xx
Hey I no it's hard not to stress but try not to . I had the exact thing I want and there was sac no fetal pole which is baby then I went agen and tiny fetal pole . And then agen I went and everything was fine. I had 3 scans by time I was 7 weeks. I also had 3 blood tests done over 5 days to check pregnancy levels . They kept telling me I was going to lose him. I was scared but i am sat here with a 6 and half month old boy and hope your outcome is same good luck xx
I really hope the news is positive for you I had a similar experience I went for my 12 week scan and they said the my baby didn’t survive past 9 weeks I was devastated I spent nights on forums like this looking for hope, reading story’s that the doctors got it wrong! it really messed me up to be honest, so although it’s always best to have faith prepare yourself for the bad too 😩 I feel bad for writing this message but I wish someone had said it to me then I may have been a bit stronger at that time what I would like to add tho is the lady that was scanning me said sometimes these things happen because the baby wasn’t strong enough and had it kept growing the problems could have been a lot worse and I thought about this a lot because if I gave birth and had to watch my baby suffer would have been a lot harder for me and this gave me peace in the end I then fell pregnant 4 weeks after my miscarriage and was a healthy baby boy now 3 sometimes things really do happen for a reason I wish you all the best 💖
I had a miscarriage in August 2019 and I know how much it sucks to have to wait and not know. But one thing that kept me sane I kept thinking, we’ll it’s still there and when I actually loose it is when I will accept defeat. I am pregnant again 7 months later and still have some issues which I never knew woman can have while pregnant and I’m back to the waiting but I have to stay positive!! Also when I was pregnant with my daughter I remember praying all her test where wrong for her Down syndrome.... later I had to check my self and just pray for heath even when there’s not a reason or fairness!! Stay positive till the very last minute hun. Hope all turns out ok for you hugs!!
I had miscarriage today
I m emotionally broken