First time parent: Was looking for some... - Pregnancy and Par...

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First time parent

Rebecca2019 profile image
12 Replies

Was looking for some breastfeeding advice....really new to motherhood my daughters 4 days old. I tried to breastfeed in hospital but my little girl just will not not latch on I decided to express but finding it difficult to do it regularly. My question being does it matter if I only give her one or two bottles of breast milk a day and the rest formula?? I know my supply will be limited which is something I’m struggling with already but trying to express as much as possible, feel like I’m doing something wrong by giving her more formula than breast...argh

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Rebecca2019 profile image
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12 Replies
kt_11 profile image

You’re absolutely not doing anything wrong by ensuring your baby is satisfied and not hungry. It’s great that you’re giving baby some breast milk as well as formula as it’s great for her health.

It’s a shame though that you didn’t get more support in hospital if you were wanting to breastfeed but struggling 😔

Have you looked at local breastfeeding support groups to get some help with baby’s latch? Could she have a tongue tie that affects ability to latch? You should definitely still be getting support from your health visitor at the moment so perhaps they could signpost you to some help in your area as the best way to increase supply is to regularly breastfeed baby. If you had a bit of help with her latch you might not need to express if you’d rather breastfeed x

Seb9 profile image

Hi just some sites I found really helpful - try also have meet ups round the country

Facebook: UK breastfeeding support

Definitely get tongue tied check and maybe you could try nipple shields to see if they could help.

If you are expressing, have plenty of skin to skin with baby to build up your supply. If you can pump overnight as this stimulates supply also.

You should be having your 5 day check tomorrow so make sure to speak to your midwife and find out if there's any support at your birthing centre, we have a weekly drop in at our clinic.

You're definitely not doing anything wrong, these early days are super hard even if you don't have any problems breast feeding. You've just had a baby, your hormones are all over the place and you've got a baby.

Don't give yourself a hard time if baby is being fed and cared for that's all that really matters.

Best of luck xxx

JayLovely21 profile image
JayLovely21 in reply to Seb9

These sites helped me also great resources 👍🏻

claire16c profile image
claire16c in reply to Seb9

Yup great sites!

JayLovely21 profile image

Hello i personally don’t believe you’re doing anything wrong. Every woman produces milk differently what worked for me was hand expression mixed with pumping. It’s weird but basically the same technique they use to milk a cow can work on yourself just be gentle as you can damage your milk ducts if you use to much force. Roll your breast around in your hands counter clockwise and clockwise to massage it you’d be surprised how much more milk you can get out just by massaging your breast in between expressing. Breastfeeding is the most exhausting thing a woman can go through but don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t producing enough there are ways you can there massage and hand expressions are the best ways to empty your breast completely. As, pumping doesn’t always completely empty your breast. I also pumped every 2-3 hours when i was on maternity leave. I got through about 6 months breastfeeding trying my hardest not to use formula but honestly there are vitamins and minerals in breast milk not found in formula. Although there are also vitamins and minerals in formula not found in Breast milk depending on your diet. So I think you’re doing great.

NE90 profile image

Have you tries nipple shields?? Only way my little one latched. The medela ones! xx

Caroliono4 profile image
Caroliono4 in reply to NE90

I also used these after my milk came in and my breasts became too big for my baby to latch. They really helped! I also hand express a bit beforehand so they are a little less full

claire16c profile image

Hi Rebecca I’m sorry the hospital discharged you before you got to grips with the feeding, they should have provided more help.

Firstly, call the midwives. they can and should come out at any time. Say you’re having problems latching her and can someone please come and help. You’re under their care for 2 weeks.

You can also find a private lactation consultant in your area, go to a free bf drop in or call the national breastfeeding helpline.

For now the important thing is to protect your supply. Pumping every 2/3 hours including at night. You only need to this until someone can help you latch her.

Don’t give up lovely you’re only a few days in - just get help! :)

You could also try nipple shields?

What happens when you do go to feed her?

I’ll also post a link here of a great video. You can give formula but any you give will decrease your supply and I’ll be honest, in the long term giving one or two feeds of breast milk a day is not really sustainable. So if you want to bf take all the help and support you can- join some Facebook groups too. Breastfeeding yummy mummies is good. Or breastfeeding support and Information. And please do call the helpline.

This video is great for latching. Make sure baby isn’t having to turn their head and keep tummy close to yours..

Octoberbaby2019 profile image

There's nothing wrong giving formula don't let anyone tell you otherwise- fed is best! If you want to still be able to breastfeed it could help trying to latch your little one first for a bit and then topping up with formula.

Don't feel bad about not pumping enough, it's awful and really stressful at least that's what I found and gave up on pumping I now give formula top ups when needed. You just make sure you're happy and your baby will be happy he won't care how he's fed just that he is and that he's loved x

Redmonkeys profile image

All the above ladies have really amazing coments which I don't need to add to.

You are doing amazingly well, don't feel bad or guilty. Your baby is fed and loved.

Fed is best.

Definitely go to breastfeeding clinics. It's such a hard thing, you will find many women hv difficulty too befr 1 day it clicks fr both baby n mummy

Also I swear by the medela nipple shields.

God send

All the best my lovely

CLCP profile image

Fed is best. Formula/breast milk, the important thing is that little tummy is being filled.

Happy Mum, happy baby.

You’re doing great!

Bluelady-sing profile image

No it will not be wrong. To top her up

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