I'm going to try and breastfeed but if I dont get on with it, would I be able to collect my own milk in the breast shells as well as using formula?
Has any mums expressed their own brea... - Pregnancy and Par...
Has any mums expressed their own breast milk and also used Formula at the same time?
Yep it's fine. Generally referred to as Combination Feeding, particularly good if baby can't latch on as they still get the benefits of breast milk but mum doesn't have the pressure of having to have every feed expressed and ready to go.
If its the route you go down, invest in a good pump to help you out. I breastfed for 6 months but started expressing and throwing in the odd bottle of formula at around 15-16 weeks.
Good luck with breastfeeding, it's a hard slog to begin with but great if you and baby can manage it x
Thank you is there any breast pumps you recommend?x

As I didn't express loads so had a manual Tommee Tippee pump and got on great with it. If you're expressing lots I think an electric is advisable as its faster and I've heard Medela recommended by a few people although haven't used one myself. Which? has lots of reviews on their website. I'd probably hold off on buying an electric until after the birth if you're going to try latching baby on as they're fairly expensive x
Okay thanks for your help x
breast is best no matter how baby gets it,just remember to keep up with the pump or your milk will dry out x
Ive got the tommee tippee electric pump its really good except my lo won't take a bottle ive only used it a handful of times xx
I combine feed: breast, express and formula. LO always has formula as last feed (your milk supply is at it's lowest) as he would need to BF for two hours solid otherwise, and formula is harder to digest (we add Colief to it) so they sleep a bit longer than with EBM (4 hr v 3 hr).
I use a medela mini electric pump - it's really good
Okay thanks for the advice, think I'll look in to getting the medela electric pump, seems to have alot of good reviews
I used the same when I was feeding my lo. Works a treat! peerdiagnosis.com/lump-behi...
Hiya, that is what I am doing at the moment. Expressing as much milk as I can in the day and then taking it in to the SCBU for my little girl but I have said that if it runs out to give her formula. I am going to carry on doing the same when she gets out of hospital but I am only going to feed it through a bottle not on the breast. I am going to buy an Avent electric pump for when she is discharged but that is only because I have got all the bottles,teats & sterliser for that make.
I have been expressing and using formula for four weeks now (dear little baby chewed my nipples to bits and only just recovered). Slowly going back to breastfeeding (with shields) and he still needs top ups of formula. So nice to hear others are doing the same, its a hard slog, but worth it. I use a medela swing pump.
Yea I feel much more comfortable now I know quite a few women are doing it. Don't want to rely completely on breast feeding as I want my partner to be able to get involved with feeding thanks for all the comments