My little boy is 4 months old and exclusively breastfed. I think I may have a milk blister on one nipple as there’s a little white spot and it’s painful to feed ☹️ Has anyone experienced this and if so do you have any tips/advice?
Thanks! X
My little boy is 4 months old and exclusively breastfed. I think I may have a milk blister on one nipple as there’s a little white spot and it’s painful to feed ☹️ Has anyone experienced this and if so do you have any tips/advice?
Thanks! X
There's some information in this link. They aren't pleasant are they, I've had similar that I think was caused by my pump, and it completely blocked my milk on one side. I had to pop it with a sterile needle & express. I used shields every so often while it healed. It can take a while x
I've had to endure the dreaded thing for over 3 months! It kept coming back every 2 weeks. But what I would do to deal with the pain is soak a flannel in hot salty water or Epsom salt and use as a compress for a few minutes. That would soften the area and then I would try and pick at the spot just to loosen the skin a bit. I also soaked a cotton wool pad with olive oil and put that in my bra. You have to keep feeding on that side as well, it helps relieve some of the pressure. My blister tended to clear within a few days but the pain was just excruciating. Hope this helps.
Oh gosh, poor you! I ended up using a flannel soaked in hot water then a needle as advised when I called 111 and it got better but I think it’s back again now ☹️ It’s only tiny but so painful! Did yours keep coming back in the same place? Need to do something about it but will have to wait til the morning as we co-sleep and I don’t want to wake the little one! X
Yup it still comes back in the same place every 2 weeks religiously! I think it's to do with positioning, I'm so used to the pain now, I don't even bother with the hot flannel. But at the start it was horrible and then having to feed on the same side was so painful too. Plenty sleepless nights coz of the pain. Maybe try the feeding clinic and see if they can suggest something, that's what the health visitors advised me to do. The blister always seemed to have healed when I had time free to go to them so I've still not managed to get to them.