Feeling daft...: Had a panic today; I’m... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Feeling daft...

BethJ7 profile image
23 Replies

Had a panic today; I’m 26 weeks and have just recently started feeling regular movement but This morning I couldn’t feel anything when I would usually expect to. Being a panicky first time mumma, I called the hospital triage number hoping for some reassurance but instead they insisted that i come in straight away!! Got to the hospital in record speed and a bit more panicked because I still hadn’t feel her move. Got put in a room straight away and midwife hooked me up to heart rate monitor which is when she gave a massive (visible!!) kick!! Felt so relieved but also daft for having wasted the midwife’s time. Was monitored for nearly an hour because she was moving so much she was kicking the monitor off (cue even more feelings of being daft!!). Everything was absolutely fine; strong heartbeat and lots of movement detected. Midwife said I did the right thing and if it happens again to come straight in. I am so glad that everything is ok but can’t shake this feeling of embarrassment and that I took valuable time away from someone who may have needed it more! My husband keeps telling me not to be silly but i’m feeling a bit down about the whole situation (which as everyone keeps telling me i shouldn’t because baby is absolutely fine! Try telling a person who is down/stressed not to be!?) Didn’t think I could feel so down when I’m so being so happy about being pregnant and my baby is happy and healthy. Really feel that this feeling won’t pass until I have my baby in my arms. Has anyone else been through anything similar/ had the same thoughts?!

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BethJ7 profile image
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23 Replies

Don’t feel embarrassed about it at all. There’s a group called Kicks Count who really encourage mums to call midwife triage whenever they think their baby’s movements is different so what you did is correct. It also seems quite common for babies to go nuts when the monitor goes on so I wouldn’t worry about feeling stupid at all. Always best to check things out.

Glad everything is ok though xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I did this twice. Nothing wrong either time but a good friend of mine went to get lack of baby movement checked out and the baby was actually in distress and was delivered by c section that day. Mum and baby fine in the end but ALWAYS get this checked out. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well with no more scares xxx

Kitcat12 profile image

You're 100% right to get it checked lovely, you haven't wasted anybody's time so please don't feel down. We all worry and reduced movement is really scary x

Arya10 profile image

Definitely did the right thing and that’s why they’re there! I’ve done this a couple times now and it’s worth the reassurance and like above, if baby is in distress they can do something about it. No need to feel silly at all! Last time I went same thing happened as you, baby started kicking when she used the Doppler after 2 days of nothing (I waited this long stupidly because of my experience below...).

1 time I called, around 26 weeks too and got a horrible nurse who told me she couldn’t help me as they only start investigating no movement at 28 weeks onwards - total contradiction to everything everyone tells you. It really put me off calling again but my husband did another time and they were so nice. Don’t beat yourself up you’re looking after your baby x

Prosopon profile image

You definitely did the right thing. I've been in twice for the same reason and both times my baby has woken up when there. I felt a bit silly but would rather be safe than sorry. Midwives advise that you get checked out if you have any concerns about reduced movements and it really doesn't take up much of their time to do the checks. When I was debating whether to call the triage number I thought what if I don't and then something happens? Please don't feel daft for taking care of your baby. :)

Cjaythom profile image

It’s funny how relief makes us feel a little bit daft in these situations! What’s making you feel down about the situation? Hormones are bonkers but be mindful and speak to your midwife if you still feel that way! You absolutely did the right thing, by the sounds of it you are growing to be a protective mummy, there is nothing wrong with that! I was chatting to a midwife in the ANC the other day and they honestly do not mind these type of calls, actually they prefer them. The midwife in question actually admitted to calling in all the time when she was pregnant her other half got a little frustrated but she was just practicing what she preached!

doris92 profile image

I went on 3 times because I didn't feel movement and once I laid down my little girl started moving! Better to be safe than sorry your not wasting their time you didn't know your baby would start moving when you got there. It's so important to ring them if you dont feel movements!

It’s hard to be 100% happy about something you want so much when you feel you haven’t quite got it yet. It took 3yrs for me to fall pregnant and I still didn’t believe it was real until the day the midwife put him in my arms, still feels unreal sometimes nearly 14 weeks later. I struggled in the first trimester with the impact of the hormones on my mood and just generally feeling constantly anxious in case something went wrong. That feeling reduced with time but was still present throughout. Hate to say it, but the ‘worrying’ part doesn’t seem to go away once you’re little one arrives, you just worry for different reasons 😂 I asked to be referred to the specialist midwife for support, so that’s always an option if you think it would help.

The day before I ended up going in to labour (at 39 weeks +2 days) I felt baby’s movements had changed, they were less distinct is the only way to describe it. I eventually convinced myself I should go to the hospital and my partner and I were very nervous it might be bad news. Very quickly baby started moving more and the midwife announced that I was having regular contractions 😳 That was a shock as I couldn’t even feel them yet! 😂 The outcome of the monitoring couldn’t have been more different than we’d anticipated! My other half confessed afterwards he’d prepared himself for bad news. I went into labour at 4am the next day.

In short, it is never silly, daft, a waste of anyone’s time to raise your concerns and get checked. It’s what the midwife team is there for, it’s what they tell women to do if they have concerns. You become attuned to your baby over 9 months and sometimes you’ll pick up on something without really knowing why. Now’s the time to start trusting your instincts. Better that than regretting not having said or done something when it might be too late x

Elynn profile image

Im a midwife. Trust me, we would much rather you pop in and have us tell you all is well than stay home and fret. Please dont feel daft, you did the right thing. Glad your baby is doing well.

NewPharma profile image

I had to go for exactly the same reason, I hadn't felt movements in the evening when I usually did so went in and got hooked up. Had an ultrasound the next day and sonographer said they were the most active baby she'd seen all day, but I still couldn't feel them moving .. they had rolled over so movements felt different.

I know what you mean by feeling like you didn't need to go in but it's not worth leaving it and something being wrong as a result. It's a good thing you've gone in and baby has gone crazy that's what the midwifes want when someone goes in with reduced movements!

Seb9 profile image

Absolutely 100% did the right thing, do the same thing every time you don't think you've felt her kick the same as she normally does.

Far better to feel daft a hundred times than not go and get checked for fear of feeling daft.

Every midwife will tell you the same thing, never ever feel bad or silly for going in and getting monitored for a bit, It's no bother and it could save your babies life if there is a problem.

So happy that your baby was OK today and I hope you don't feel daft for too long xx

nsha profile image

I’m a midwife who’s worked in triage loads and I can honestly say please don’t feel daft, this happens a lot more than you might think, I think the toco and transducer are just perfect targets to be kicked!! And hey if it works then that’s the main thing! But you just don’t know so it’s always always better to be safe. So I promise, 100% not daft, 100% not wasting anyone’s time ☺️

YunaMom profile image

At 26 weeks it's okay not to feel any movement one day. Start counting from 28 weeks. Until then, don't worry please.

I see too many mom's worrying because of too much information on the internet.

Both my mom and my mother in law tells me to try not to go online since most people that write and stay online have the worst pregnancy stories.

If ur in ur twenties, everything will be fine. :)

Prosopon profile image
Prosopon in reply to YunaMom

I don't think this is correct advice. I was concerned about my baby's movements when I was just under 24 weeks pregnant as he had been very active since 21 weeks then suddenly wasn't. I called the triage midwife and they told me to go in. When there they checked the foetal heart rate with a doppler, though said he'd be too small for continuous monitoring. All seemed okay with the heart rate but they told me to return if I had any further worries. So despite being under 26 weeks, I was still advised to go in and get checked.

YunaMom profile image
YunaMom in reply to Prosopon

Well so u turned out fine. No need to worry. Midwives tell u to call and come in for any little things in my opinion. Yea its better to be safe than sorry but girls need to chill and stop worrying abt baby movements too early. I felt mine for the first time at 14 weeks. Now I'm at 38 weeks. I should have gone in and saw midwife like ten times if I went in Everytime I didn't feel my baby for a day. Until 28 weeks I really wouldn't worry. Unless u fell hard or got In a car accident.

Prosopon profile image
Prosopon in reply to YunaMom

Yes, thankfully all was okay, but might not have been. I'll do what the midwives advise and get concerns checked out rather than not, just because a random person on the Internet says not to worry before 28 weeks. Hopefully other women will do the same. A foetus is considered viable from 24 weeks so if problems are identified, they may be able to do something. It is not safe to advise people not to get checked out before 28 weeks because in "your opinion" women worry too early.

YunaMom profile image
YunaMom in reply to Prosopon

It's funny because what I am saying is what my midwives and doctor told me. Since I am very young in my twenties. They told me I have nothing to worry about if I don't feel the movement at early weeks. Since depending on the baby's position u might feel it or not. But since I'm not an old lady in 30s I have no idea what the midwife would have told me if I was that old. I guess u have to be extra concerned and worried then.

in reply to YunaMom

I was in my 20’s when I was pregnant and the advice was still the same about going in whatever stage you are to get checked if worried. When it comes to woman’s age baby’s movement is still as important. 30’s isn’t old either!

Prosopon profile image
Prosopon in reply to YunaMom


I'm not engaging in this anymore other than to post this NHS link about reduced foetal movements (which, by the way, doesn't say anything about waiting until 28 weeks before feeling concerned or that "old ladies" in their 30s need to be more worried! 😂).


nsha profile image
nsha in reply to YunaMom

Sorry but do not give advice telling people if they are in their twenties everything will be fine. Midwives do not invite people in for small things, actually the majority of calls are spent reassuring people and telling them not to worry but movements isn’t one of them. And the time that we would see people isn’t a magical clear cut line at 28 weeks. If someone is feeling their baby move every hour of the day from 22 weeks then nothing for a day at 26 weeks we would absolutely want to see them. A baby’s life could be saved in the process and movements are more of an accurate representation of whether a baby is ok than listening with a hand held Doppler. Yes at 20-25 weeks the movements will be inconsistent but advice isn’t black and white, and if someone has felt loads of movements then nothing, we wouldn’t fib them off, we would use common sense. Comments like this are just contributing to the extremely harmful stuff out there on the internet. Stick to the NHS website, ring your midwife, but please please don’t listen to an unqualified person saying that everyone in their twenties will have it completely fine 😑

JLew profile image

They prefer you to get checked! Honestly, it is good to get things checked. They would rather you come in, worried and leave happy and reassured that everything is okay. Than come in unknowingly just feeling off and them have to tell you the worst :( xx

Tiddly1984 profile image

I smiled reading this 😊 I would have done exactly the same thing and was actually encouraged to seek medical advice if I notice changes to baby’s regular kicking patter later in the pregnancy. You put your baby first and that’s what mothers do!...x

pinkie93 profile image

I did this about 6 times, my little boy is super cheeky! Don't feel silly, for all you knew something could have actually been wrong. Just be thankful baby's ok. Just so you know, if you go in a few times they will do an extra scan.

EDIT: I even went in at 21 weeks thinking my waters had broken, I pissed myself...

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