My 14 week old is on 8 Oz bottles and she's been having a lot less bottles now, her usual sort of schedule is 4-5am then 11am, 4pm and then she could sleep through till the next day. She stirs in the night but never wakes up, is she getting enough fluids because it doesn't seem a lot x
Is my 14 week old getting enough milk - Pregnancy and Par...
Is my 14 week old getting enough milk

I just had a look back at what my little girl drank and it ranged from 27-32oz at that age. She was having 5 bottles a day and none in the night. Two bottles in the day does seem a bit little as my LG is one now and only just gone down to two. Maybe speak to your HV and see what they say xx
2 in the day doesnt seem much. My lo is 11 weeks and taking 5 x 6-7oz a day x
8oz in one go is a huge amount for a 14 week old. They should be having 1-1.5oz per hour between feeds. What you are effectively doing right now is putting her in a food coma, think Christmas lunch or Thanksgiving dinner, at every meal.
Try offering smaller bottles and more frequently, the target should be 2/3oz every two hours or 3/4.5oz every 3 hours. Eating a lot in one go and hen sleeping huge stretches will cause her blood sugar levels to drop really low after 4/5 hours. Formula (which I'm presuming you are feeding) takes up to 4 hours to digest (breast milk is 1.5 hours) so that's the absolute longest they should be going during the day between feeds, but those kind of spaces are generally recommended once solids are introduced.
She was on 7oz bottles for a month (she's always been a big eater started with 4oz when born) and she was finishing every bottle and hungry after 3 hours so I put her up. If I do her smaller bottles she's hungry every 2-3 hours
2 to 3 hours is how frequently she should be eating. With bottle feeding they tend to always finish a bottle as they have little control over the flow, they eat much quicker than they would at the breast and so don't have time for the signals telling them they are full to reach their brain before they over eat.
At birth a babies stomach is the size of a marble.