I’m 14 + 4 and have seen so many bargains but feel bad?
Like I should wait for 20 week scan at least.
Any advice or thoughts?
I’m 14 + 4 and have seen so many bargains but feel bad?
Like I should wait for 20 week scan at least.
Any advice or thoughts?
I actually bought our pram and car seat at 15 weeks because it was such a bargain and from then on I couldn’t really stop myself. I always felt awful afterwards as it was our second pregnancy after miscarriage and IVF both times.
It’s hard at this time of year because there are so many bargains and if it was me I wouldn’t be able to help myself. We did have a private scan at 16 weeks so that helped with deciding to buy stuff xx
Thank you for sharing your experience. You’re totally right about this time of year! I had a private scan at 9 weeks so might see about a 16 week one as 20 weeks feels so far away! Thank you
That’s one the reasons we did it. 12 to 20 is soooo long and we also wanted to find out the gender.
Just thought as well this time of year you have until the middle to end of Jan to return anything if that makes you feel more comfortable. I know it did for me as I was terrified I was jinxing things by buying stuff xx
I had that same issue around this time last year. I must’ve been about 15-16 weeks at the time of Black Friday! It felt such a shame to miss out on bargains but I was too anxious to buy anything major at that point.
I left everything until quite late for that reason but I think we got the pram etc when I was about 30 weeks and even then I kept it at my parents’ house! I hardly bought any clothes anyway as I got a lot as gifts. x
I felt more comfortable buying after 20 weeks. I’ve since been given (new or second hand) a fair bit of stuff I had already bought so it’s not a bargain if you end up with two of things, so if you think people might give you things or pass on second hand things then wait a while longer x
I started buying little things at 20 weeks then the bigger things after 30 weeks but everyone is different xx
After 2 mc after 12w I think I’d wait til after 20w
It's really up to you! I didn't until I was over 30 weeks. Good job really as my baby arrived early.
I'd say wait until you've had your 20 week check up and then go for it
I felt and feel the same as you. I am 24 weeks today and guess what, haven’t brought anything apart from the some clothing. I wanted to buy everything after 1st scan, but felt like was still too early, so waited for 2nd scan, then started to look at prams and nursery sets. We are ordering our pram bundle Sunday, as we have managed to get a fantastic deal half price in Black Friday. x
I’d say go for it! After 9 years ttc and finally being pregnant after DE IVF, I bought a baby grow in my tww as a good luck charm.
I didn’t go all out until we had the gender scan at 16 weeks, but by 24 weeks we had absolutely everything. I’m a bit of an organising nutcase so researching, planning, buying and setting everything up has been exciting and reassuring for me. And as my mother rightly said. Things can always be returned. x