Hi! My baby was born premature at 30 weeks on the 31st of July. She came home on the 8th of September. I was giving her expressed milk in the hospital and till the end of October when she was home. I just started latching her on. She does latch on but isn't satisfied after the feeds. Is there something I can do or maybe the milk is not enough for her? Suggestions would be much appreciated
Breastfeeding : Hi! My baby was born... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hi Hun , I have no experience but I know some mums combi feed or do a top up feed with formula, it’s something you can look into.
Congratulations on having your little precious baby and I wish you both well xx
Why don't you express and breadtfeed. Then top up feeds with milk you've expressed. It can be tricky, bit if you express at the same time as feeding the milk comes faster.
You probably won't have to top up every feed, just until you feel she is more satisfied. Then you could just build up a freezer stash (great for letting other people to feed /babysit). You can buy milk storage bags in boots or asda.
Breastfeeding is hard. I hope you find this message helpful, but feel free to message me if you need any advice. Ir took a while for me to get it established, but now it's the easiest thing and I'm so glad I persevered.
Also just wanted to add, you will have enought milk, it can just take time for your body to know how much the baby needs. Porridge oats and almonds are good to eat for helping with milk supply.
Hi Sarah, have you checked for tongue tie? That’s the only advice I can give that you haven’t already received. Otherwise Kempton’s advice below is very sound and that’s what I’d go with. Our baby had tongue tie, which reduced supply, so to make sure he was getting enough in the early weeks I ended up feeding then giving him extra expressed milk. This helped him get a little extra that he just couldn’t get out himself. At 6 weeks he was strong enough and a good enough eater to go back to EBF.
Try contacting the national breastfeeding helpline for some expert advice.
Just keep putting baby to your breasts. It will help build your supply better than any pump. Also have them check for ties, most LC's are not trained, you need a professional to look inside the mouth, not just at the overall latch.
As long as baby is having a minimum of 4 wet disposable nappies in 24 hours then they are getting enough. Dont time feeds, or worry about how soon she seems to want to feed after the last time, aim for now longer than every two hours, with one 5 hour stretch at night at maximum.
You are correct in thinking that formula top ups can have a negative impact on supply. True low supply is very rare and usually only affects women who have had breast reduction surgery, or a gastic bypass, or have a similar condition that prevents nutrients being absorbed into the body normally.
Hi, my baby was born at 29 weeks and I expressed from the beginning too. I did have a good stock pile of milk but like you he wasn't satisfied. I spoke to our SCBU Outreach Team and they agreed that the best way forwards was to do half BM and half Gold Prem 2 formula for each feed. It is a special formula for Preemies like ours that is more fulfilling and fully nutritious and can only be got via prescription. You have done the best you can and I know from personal experience how tough it can be. Well done on what you have done and remember that Fed is best x