Hi ladies,
I was offered a sweep today by my midwife so thought why not as I’m 39+2, 1 cm dilated. Does anyone have any positive stories/ experiences about having this done? I’m hoping it’ll kick things off and I’ll meet my baby girl soon 😊 xx
Hi ladies,
I was offered a sweep today by my midwife so thought why not as I’m 39+2, 1 cm dilated. Does anyone have any positive stories/ experiences about having this done? I’m hoping it’ll kick things off and I’ll meet my baby girl soon 😊 xx
Just wishing you lots of luck hun hope it gets, things moving xx
How are you feeling after it? I had one today too, really hoping this works 🙈
Didn't do much in my last pregnancy & I ended up being induced, but a little more positive about this one
Hey! I’m absolutely fine. I don’t think it’s worked although I’m having Braxton Hicks contractions more often.
How are you feeling? Any progress? I didn’t realise how painful a sweep was. I’m booked in to be induced on Friday, will you be induced too if nothing happens? X
Gosh that's early to be induced? I'll have another one on Monday & then look into induction after that.
Feeling a bit weird, some cramps & back ache so got fingers crossed it's doing something
Fingers crossed for you too hun! It could take 48 hours to take effect right? Did they say how dilated you are?
Well it wasn’t a planned sweep. I’ve been in and out of hospital since Saturday due to reduced movements, so I went in today to have baby’s heart beat monitored and was offered one. The doctor doesn’t want me to get to 40 weeks, I’m 39+2 currently.
It was scary but the midwifes at hospital have been so good. Sometimes you feel like a bit of a nuisance.
I guess there’s still time then, I hope the sweep works for you and me too 😊 Let me know how it goes and all the best! Xx
Hi hopful85, I was given a sweep at the end of my pregnancy it didn’t really do much for me and then I was induced two days later xx
Yes I don’t think it’s been successful for me. Quite looking forward to being induced tomorrow. How long was it from you being induced to giving birth! xx
Good luck for tomorrow lovely. I was Induced on the Wednesday at 11.15 but nothing really happened till the early hours of Friday morning and then gave birth on the Sunday morning at 00:09 xxx
I had three sweeps with my first and it didn’t do much except my waters broke after the last one, but nothing happened so I had to be induced with pessary the next day (I was 42 weeks at this point). My second I had three sweeps from 40 weeks. My waters broke the night before the third sweep so I actually gave birth the day of that last sweep. It can definitely help. Go for some walks and then rest if you can in between. Sweeps are awful but worth a go I think! Makes your smear test a breeze after that!!
Your so right! I thought it’d feel like a smear test but was so so wrong lol. And wow you had 3! I’m being induced tomorrow with pessary, how long was it until you went into labour after having it?
Ooh good luck! I had the pessary about 9pm and then baby was born at 12pm the following day. Think my contractions started around 6am as I remember that’s when I asked for a paracetamol lol!
Pregnant with baby no.2
40 weeks and 5 days today
First baby induced at 41weeks4days
Midwife tried a sweep for me on Monday. I was 40+2 at the time. As my luck would have it she had short fingers and couldn't reach! So I am still patiently waiting. She said my cervix score is 3 and that it needs to be 7 before they will break my waters. Booked in for induction on Wednesday 8th August which will make me 41+4 again.....Must have a really comfy womb or something lol, first baby didn't want to leave it either! I've been having major pushing/stabbing sensations in my lady place for about 3 weeks now, which I didn't have last time, so I was hopeful she'd arrive on her own - so fingers crossed she'll arrive at some point within the week. Good luck with your induction tomorrow (if you need it!)