So I've noticed that baby doesn't move the same anymore im 26 weeks and baby doesnt kick anymlre its more of a movement if that makes sense like a riggle has anyone else had this x
Movement: So I've noticed that baby... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hey Hun just keep an eye on any changes and If your concerned go to epu and they will listen to baby’s heartbeat or do a scan : xx
I'm not really concerned just wondered if anyone else had this and I have plenty of scans lol as baby has a heart defect so I'm always scannedxx
To be honest babe I’m on baby number 4 and this one is doing different things to my others lol so I couldn’t tell you. All the best with the rest of your pregnancy xx
The way baby moves will change as they get bigger if the frequency of movements changes or if your concerned for any reason then see someone. I'm on my 3rd and my first two were real wrigglers this one doesn't move much unless it's at like 3 am
Yes I found this. This is my first pregnancy and I’ve found she moves differently the bigger she gets obviously due to size. She still moves at the same time during the day which is what’s important. I’m 37 weeks now and I get hiccups and big ripple movements. She kicks very occasionally more stretches.