Yesterday I had my worse of days with itching all over my body.. Lol I was almost using a comb to ease of the itch. After shower and applying sudocream to most affected areas armpit, over my chest and little over my breast it soothed it. Is this normal??... We almost went to the hospital
Is itching in pregnancy normal?? - Pregnancy and Par...
Is itching in pregnancy normal??

Your best ringing your midwife or maternity unit to get checked out could be just a reaction to something you have used but your best ringing them for advice xxx
Thank you Claire... It stopped
Your best ringing them tho to tell them what you had experienced they might do a blood test to check all is well xxx
Ook two days a go I went to GP and they already sample swap under my armpit and I only experienced the itching yesterday. I'll check with them for the result and next week I have appointment as well... Thank you Claire
Hello fam.. Update on the rash! There was nothing. How relieved!
So I called the hospital to check the result of the swap test on the rash. Its nothing basically. They only mentioned to me PEP, polymorphic eruption of pregnancy which is a chronic hives-like rash that strikes some women during pregnancy. It's common in early pregnancy.
Has anyone experienced this?
Yes, I had polymorphic eruption of pregnancy at the end of my first pregnancy. I had put on a lot of weight (about 3 stone after going from being very fit and active to nothing, because I couldn't even walk fast without wanting to be sick!) and by 8 months the stretch marks across my stomach were beginning to split and weep. I had hives all over my body, bump, bum, legs, arms. I looked like I'd been rolling in nettles. If you have or develop polymorphic eruption of pregnancy it will go away, but seek help with relief because you will not be able to sleep or get comfy. This is possibly preparation for when baby arrives, but you could end up irritable. As I was late on in pregnancy I was given something to help me sleep, but I got that via a private doctor. NHS midwives and GP didn't even know what was wrong with me and when blood tests came back as fine they had nothing more to give me. My PEP went on for about four weeks, but cleared up moment baby arrived. Good luck!
Waow that's very informative..thank you. I went for check and they discovered nothing. As at now its under my arm, getting over to my chest and little on my upper breast if that make sense lol. When I applied sudocream last night it doesn't itch anymore but as many of you have advised, if it get worse, I wil certainly go to the hospital straight.