My precious Star was born 01/09/2018 . She came 5 weeks early . She weighed 5 pounds 8 ounces! She was in the Nicu for 5 weeks for acid reflux (severe) and poor feedings. However baby Star is beautiful and doing just amazing now! She still spit up a lil but not nearly as much as before! She's eating a whole lot. I'm so happy this pregnancy was more than a Gift from GOD! My baby shower was so amazing! I didn't have to buy anything really! Her closet is full of new clothes! I'm so thankful and happy! Yes this is my first child. Sorry I didn't post sooner! 🌟💛💕
Simply enjoying motherhood - Pregnancy and Par...
Simply enjoying motherhood
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7 Replies
Congratulations. Star is a beautiful name x
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