34 weeks and just started leaking milk i am really wanting brestfeed and not sure what to do
Leaking milk: 34 weeks and just started... - Pregnancy and Par...
Leaking milk

Nothing to worry about at all Lovely. You will still be able to breast feed baby. You just need to invest in some breast pads. You can go for either disposable or reusable options. Here’s some reassuring and useful info babycentre.co.uk/x552713/is...
I'm not sure if this is possible at your stage but you could practice expressing and keeping it in the freezer for future use. Although I'd check with the midwife first that it's ok to do this!
Don’t worry this is normal
If you have a non high risk pregnancy then at 37 weeks onwards you can always hand express a small amount to keep.
For now, just get some breast pads you’ll need them anyway
It is normal and I think connected with tour emotional state. I had the same with my first. You just have to change clothes or use breastpads to absorb the leakage. Your baby will enjoy your colostrum (first milk). It is packed with goodness so feed baby as often as you can before the mature milk comes in.
Do insist on breastfeeding even after 20 times of thinking of abandoning the idea.
Good luck with the birth and it all.
Get some breast pads. DO NOT EXPRESS MILK YET.. it could make you go into labour due to hormones release upon expressing.
Personally I wouldn't express whist pregnant as in nature we are intended to feed baby once it comes along- I suppose it's for a reason ( breastmilk is perfectly balanced food- for body to make a milk it takes vitamins and minerals from your body, but for now best you can do is to let your baby to use all those things in building its perfect little body)
I was leaking from 12w - milk came in on day 2-3, my boy now is 7m and still breastfed, I donated 300oz and still have plenty of milk.
Good luck!!!x
My boobs r leaking so much I'm 28 weeks pregnant there's a lot and I don't know what to do with it