I'm 27 weeks premnant other that thevery usual tiredness I feel completely wiped out I'm so tired I feel unwell. I done alot of walkig yesterday and I'm up and down at night for the toilet is there any ideas on good food for protein and nutrients ato this stage to give me more energy and make sure he is getting the right stuff? if any one haside advice would be mUchida appreciatd
exhausted!: I'm 27 weeks premnant other... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hiya! Are you taking any pregnancy vitamins? Your iron stores could be low which makes you feel very tired and breathless. I had this problem in my last pregnancy, I told gp and they did blood test and found my iron was low and put me on iron tablets. I felt so much better x
I'm taking my vitamin tablets I got from docs. I've just been sick in the toilet at work and been sent home I have no idea what is wrong with me hadn't suffer morning sickness or anything
spoke to midwife she said there is a 24 hour or 48 hour bug going around
I had gastroenteritis two weeks ago so you may have just caught the bug that’s going round! I am 15 weeks pregnant. Initially I thought it was morning sickness coming back with a vengeance but after being sick more than once I realised it wasn’t. I also had chills and a fever by the end of the day which was a bit scary. Rest, drink lots of fluids and plain food such as whole grain toast and porridge - carbs are important. Try avoiding dairy for a day or two if you are being sick and keep taking your vitamins. Try smoothies too - they’ll give you the vitamins you need to fight this and they’ll provide some instant energy for you. Hope you are feeling better x
Definitely ask for a blood test to find out what your iron levels are. If they are low and they put you on iron tablets see how you get on. Iron tablets don’t always work for everyone so if it’s not, try Spatone (liquid iron). 2 sachets a day in a glass of orange juice with an iron tablet should help. If you are a meat eater, Beef is an excellent source of iron. Try eating this a few times a week washed down with a glass of orange juice (helps with iron absorption). Take pregnancy vitamin tablets (Pregnacare but Superdrug do their own version for much cheaper). Try to eat natural foods instead of processed. Homemade soups and smoothies are great for nutrients. Plenty of water and rest whenever you can. Take gentle exercise when you are feeling up to it to keep up your stamina levels.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy x
I take two pregnacare tablets a day and my iron stores have been bordeline. But I feel much better than in my previous pregnancy.
Because I'm on a low fat diet I ordered biltong (South African dry beef). Why? Because raw beef apparently is rich in choline. Choline reduces ALT levels in my liver (as they were high) and choline is found in the amniotic fluid 10 times the levels of maternal blood. It helps with baby's memory. I guess that's why mums suffer with remembering things and get baby brain as Baby and the placenta takes a lot of the choline.
If you can juice some apples, carrot and beetroot, that would help too.
To protect baby all vitamin supplements lack vit. A. I figured that I might be deprived of it even though our liver stores big amounts of it. Well it turns out Carrots are the ultimate liver boost and I was wondering why I felt always so good after having a fresh glass of apple and carrot juice. I'm 33 weeks and feel very tired too, can't sleep more than 4 hours in one piece. Need few hours passing until I can sleep again.
Am out of breath and barely capable of anything. Can remember one or two things at the time.
Almonds and nuts are concentrated forms of nutrients. (Almonds don't make my skin oily or weigh down my liver as they contain essential fats that help rather than hinder). So are dry fruit, wholegrains likes oats and spelt.
Obstetrics Cholestasis is partly to blame as is pregnancy insomnia for my bad sleep.
This time round I try to sleep as much as I can. Everything else can wait. Never got a medal for being on top of the housework and got myself really tired grumpy and resentful.
Hope this helps. GPs do prescribe Pregnacare if you are lucky. So you can get it for free.