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Hello mummies and mummies to be

36henley profile image
28 Replies


I’m 37 weeks pregnant, living in Henley on Thames. It’s my first baby quite late as I’m 36, recently got married to my fiancé.

Would like to know lovely mumms locally.

Enjoy your day ladies.

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36henley profile image
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28 Replies
mrsoneill profile image

Congratulations! I’m not local to your area I’m afraid(I’m in Bedfordshire) is there a local NCT group or children’s centre in your area? The groups I go to locally I strarted going to when pregnant and found them really helpful to meet other mums. I’ve also joined a couple of Facebook groups too xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to mrsoneill

Hi mrsoneill. There’s a local parents centre where supposed to be bump club. When I went there woman told me that she didn’t created group for that year as everyone gave birth already. I didn’t found her helpful. There is some parents classes which I hope will still be existing? I’m due 1st Dec.

Enjoy your day. :)

mrsoneill profile image
mrsoneill in reply to 36henley

Oh no how rude! What a horrible experience, I went to a baby group where no one spoke to me, they can be hit and miss. I did some antenatal classes and kept in touch with some of the mums from that. I’m also in a Facebook group for mummy’s and mummy’s to be over 30 and there v nice, there are a few people in that who’ve found they’re local to each other and have started meeting up. Good luck, if I was closer I would love to meet up xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to mrsoneill

mrsoneill thank you 😊 I would love to socialise to just have to wait. Can’t wait to be up and about with our Julia Catherine. We live in such magical place, I love Henley and we have nature on our doorstep: reindeers, squirrels as we have fields next to us.

Me and my hubby we love to go and explore national trust places, we’ve been to over 100 during one year.

So much to do and such blessed time. Maybe one day when I settle with Julia we can meet up? In the middle of the route?

I would love that.

Have a brilliant day. 😘

Sisi14 profile image

Aw such ashame with your experience of being a new mummy and no one talking back to you! I’m a mummy to 3 daughters I had 2 in my 20’s and one when I was 31. I miscarried my twins in August this year and I’m trying again now and I’m 35 the end of this month. I love coming in here and chatting and reading all other mummy’s stories. I hope you find a club if not just keep in touch on here. Congratulations and best wishes with your little one xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Hi Sisi14.

Your nickname remind me of a film “empress Sissi” of an Austrian empress.

I’m so sorry about your mother experience and I hope you found your peace?

If I can help in any way...

My maternity journey is not long but unexpected and full of surprises.

I thought I will never be a mother and a wife/partner, then I thought that I cannot have children, then I met my hubby which is actually a dream (tinder dating app). We decided very quickly to move in together after two weeks and it was the best risk of our journey together.

Turn out it worked out well and although we are completely opposite characters we complete each other.

Pregnancy was a total shock as I mentioned above I thought I’m not fertile, at all.

We decided to rent bigger place and get married.

We done so much during one year than most of couples within few years.

No regrets whatsoever.

We even managed to visit my parents in May when we learned I’m pregnant.

I’m from Poland and it was a lovely journey.

Where about are you Sisi14?

Hope you had brilliant day, so far.


Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Aw that’s lovely thankyou!

It seems you have met your Prince Charming and have the fairytale god bless you! It might be on your 30s but it’s obviously your time to be blessed with everything.

My name on here is my daughters name she’s 3 years old my little side kick as my older to are 15 and 13 all girls.

Thankyou for sending you condolence of my loss , I don’t think I’ll get over it but excepting it and remembering them as my 2 sleeping angels together helps.. my day so far has been ok I’ve take my lo to nursery and managed to do some Xmas shopping! I’m from Solihull so not local but find peace and happiness chatting here xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

All girls! Congratulations!

I always wanted to have a daughter and was delighted when in 20w scan it turned out that we are expecting Julia.

My day was pretty boring: resting full time as my midwife advised me.

Have brilliant hubby, just washing the dishes, later I shall do the bath for him.

I feel very blessed today, all turned out so well.

Am excused to do the xmas shopping this year. :D

Nip in and let me know how are you darling.

Loads of kisses for your family.

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Aw you have yourself alovely husband who is looking after his precious wife and mummy to be!

Yes 3 beautiful daughters and they are my world , can’t explain the love for them but you will no very soon yourself.

I’m glad your taking it easy as advised you should get as much pampering and sleeping whilst you can lol. I’m glad your ok and well and your weekend is going ok ! Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll become a mummy again. Big hugs to you lovely xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Hi Sisi14.

It’s always so nice to see that you scribbled those few words.

Thank you.

At presence I have huge lower abdominal pain which is so annoying.

Julia is moving vigorously, even in the night which is unusual for her.

Just anticipating game...

Hope this week will bring nice suprise for us. ;)

We can’t wait to welcome her. ;)

Hope you have nice, sunny day like us.


Sisi14 profile image

Aw I’m glad your doing ok apart from the niggles which is obviously Julia letting you know she’s coming soon! I hope you have a nice and comfortable delivery!

It’s nice to check in with you and seeing how your both doing! It’s cold here but the sunshine was out but it’s a cold day!

Hope you have alovely evening xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Good afternoon

Sorry Sisi14 that I didn’t write earlier but I had few rough days.

I’m seeing my gp today as routine check up.

My abdominal pain got worse and Julia is really low so I have huge urine track pain.

I feel like she is very heavy.

I’m just terrified that this will go for another 4 weeks.

My husband is my rock.

Can’t walk much, even do shopping which I love.

Keeps fingers crossed 🤞 that soon this will be over.

Hopefully not by c sec. ;)

How are you?

How’s your family?


Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Aw I hope your ok and maybe with the pain your suffering with they might induce you before your due date if she doesn’t arrive before. You need plenty of rest and a nice hot water bottle to help with the discomfort your going through! I’m glad your husband is doing all to help you bless him sounds like your rock ! We are all well thank you, well my eldest daughters are at school and my 3 year old has a virus but slowly on the mend! Xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14


I just have read about induced labour on nhs website and to be honest I think I want to fight.

With today healthcare it shouldn’t be that bad.

At least I can say to Julia that I done everything so she would feel most preventable and loved.

Thank you for your concern.

I’m sorry that your youngest is poorly.

Our friends children are on the mend as well.


Sisi14 profile image

I had no choice in going into labour twice with 2 of my Girls both were 42 weeks both big babies over 8lbs... my youngest had low sugar ! But sounding by all your pains your baby should be here soon! I read something about them trying to bring the inducement forward to 40 weeks for older women as it saves lives or something I read that today in paper. Thank you for saying about my little girl she’s had her medication now and hopefully will be better by the weekend. Xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Another sleepless night...

My pelvis is one big pain Sisi...

I’ve been to my gp today, blood pressure 140/90 she checked four times(twice on each hand) and every time higher...

She want to rule out pre eclampsia although that there’s no protein in my urineand I don’t think this is the case but what I can know. ;)

She want to see me again in Friday but I think I shall book emergency app.today cause of that pelvis pain and left side of my big belly ache that I can’t sleep.

Julia is moving, I heard her heartbeat 💗 so pretty 😃 happy.

In Friday is 38w.

I hope your family life is more cheerful?

Few weeks from now this is going to be a faded memory, I believe strongly.

Kisses 😚 to you and your family.


Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Oh bless you lovely your having a rough time at the moment, I hope there’s something they can advise for you as you need sleep too. I’m happy that your urine is clear and hopefully on Friday if not before your blood pressure goes down as I remember my 2nd pregnancy at 37 weeks and I had the same and I was admitted to hospital for a few days to be monitored then at 39 weeks and 3 days she arrived on her own naturally! I hope all will be ok with you and you can get some sleep. Xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Good afternoon

I’m watching all episodes of X factor, at the moment.

2moro I shall walk to Costco after the gp with my hubby.

My doctor advised me 30-60min. walking daily.

At the moment I’m trying to do things as I used to.

Thank you for your good words.

Have a brilliant day.


36henley profile image
36henley in reply to 36henley

Good evening Sisi

My day was quite busy.

I went to my gp, there is one protein in my urine so she isn’t concern and my blood pressure was down so no worries.

After we went with hubby to Costco and I walked all shop around yay 😃 1531 steps 0.64m.

Julia is moving and I feel is going to be another rough night, my hubby is always saying that I don’t have to be anywhere so I’m catching up Davina hour now.

I just feel that I don’t have control under my body anymore and feel betrayed by my mom which she claim that her labour was easy peasy, she was playing cards with obstetricians on a ward, literally and delivery was taking her 30min.! 🤪

At the moment Julia is moving vigorously so I can’t sleep cause it’s painful 😖

I’m so lucky to have patient husband.

As always: I hope this week will bring a difference.

How’s your youngest one?


I watched this Paloma Faith interview and she nailed it for me.

I’m feeling to be going back to my ‘raw me’.

Kisses to you and your family of course. 🧚‍♀️

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Hey my lovely, you should be so proud of yourself doing all those steps with your husband! Even though it’s hard it helps the baby move further down to come out soon. I’m glad all went well at the doctors and all seems well. To be honest my last 2 pregnancy were easy like your mum only took 3 pushes for my little ones to arrive, the first baby’s are usually the worst ones as we don’t know what we’re letting ourselves in for with our body changing and the pressure on our insides too, it’s all worth it in the end. My little one is on the mend slowly she has a bad chest but ok with all her medication. I hope you manage to rest and sleep xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Good afternoon Sisi

Today is a lazy day for us.

I’m feeling much better.

My hubby just went to collect take away from polish restaurant as I’m from 🇵🇱.

He is incredible: he went to sleep on a sofa bed in our lounge so I can feel comfortable and sleep in our bedroom as I was tossing and turning.

Tomorrow we are going in the morning on a Henley xmas market.

Hope your youngest will get better soon.

How’s the rest of your family?

We have a duvet day today.

Kisses. 🧞‍♂️

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Hey lovely , how was your day at the market? How are your pains now is Julia still jumping around? My little one is getting better each day and the rest of my family is well thank you. Did you manage to get some sleep? I’ve been wrapping presents for Xmas . Xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Hi Sisi and kiss

We didn’t went on a market as I was suffering from insomnia once again. I slept only 5h this weekend.

My husband was not feeling good as well. I let him stay warm in a house although he was moaning-about that.

I got acute diarrhoea, headache, lower abdominal pain, called 111 waiting for doctor to call me back at the moment.

Basically everything what I ate I expel.

I hope it’s the body cleaning,preparing for labour.

I’m 38+2 today.

I’m very interested if you saw that interview with Paloma Faith which I wanted you too?

Julia is alright I hope? At least moving, not much but always.

I’m just afraid of any bug which can harm her?

I know it’s very uncommon but still mothers fear is justified.

We ate Chinese take away in Friday.

I hope you and your family are alright?

Keeps fingers crossed 🤞

Kisses 😘

36henley profile image

Sisi are you ok? Didn’t hear from you for few days now. 😘

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Hey my lovely, I’m so sorry I’ve not been on here and replied. I’ve had a cold and my Aunt Flo turned up Monday but has gone again so I was a bit down as I was hoping for my rainbow baby! Since my miscarriage in August I’ve had 3 af and they’ve lasted 3 days max but before hand we’re 7 days don’t know what’s going on with my body. How are you and baby Julia?? How’s the diarrhoea has it gone lol ? How’s the pains ? Have you been getting your sleep? Xx

36henley profile image
36henley in reply to Sisi14

Good evening Sisi my lovely.

I hope you will get better!

All good, diarrhoea gone, my body is all good.

My hubby is incredible and is bringing every morning fresh bread rolls for me.

He don’t even let me wash and carry all the heavy stuff.

You don’t have to be sorry, I was just worried cause it’s unlike you to silence for such long time.

How’s your youngest?

Julia is ok, not moving much from yesterday, she’s very low still, my left ligament is very strained but it’s much better than it was.

As for getting 😴: as you can see.

Hubby leaving in the morning for work and I’m sleeping then til 12pm.

She is perfectly fine with it. ;)

I’m curious how’s her routine will set up after first few weeks?

My hubby is going to help me and stay in a house with me and Julia after labour for two months as he is having his own company.

Feel so blessed.

Beside that we are waiting for 1st December.

All in a house prepared.

Happy days.

36henley profile image

Hello Sisi14.

Update: she came two days before due date.

My hubby is helping me for good two months, now going back to work.

She is lovely.

We are every Friday on musical bumps club.

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to 36henley

Aw congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, I’m glad your all settled and enjoying family life with your new bundle. All the best xx

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