I'm new hear and a first time mum and I need some advice. My son is 12 weeks and I think he is starting to teeth. He has been dribbling loads and chewing his fists and fretting a lot more than normal. His gums feel really hard especially at the bottom front of his mouth.
Nearly 3 month old teething - Pregnancy and Par...
Nearly 3 month old teething
Hello there! Sounds like you've read the signs right - it definitely sounds like teething. He's likely to be a bit grizzly due to the pain. How are you finding it?
Not too bad so far he just keeps drenching the front of his clothes so I've had to order him some dribble bibs
Hi there jessica is my 3rd and more forward than the others lol. She also started at 3 months and same kept changing her stuff,we started with bonjella and calpol when really grizzly she wasnt great with bonjella so instead in boots we got teething powder in a greea and white packet they cost £4 i forget the name but worked really well, try them lots of luck x
I bought him a couple of Sophie the giraf teethers
Sounds like he could well be teething ... Don't hold your breathe to see first tooth tho... Can take a few months sometimes fr staff of symptoms ... Was around 3 months of drooling with my LO
Completley agree with Roxannacar, mine started with teething symptoms at 3 months and then settled down after a few weeks. My midwife said their teeth often begin to move around 3 months before they break through. We have had a few of those bad patches, but she’s 8 months and still no teeth!
Hi, my daughter also started teething around the 12 week mark. We got some baby teething gel and some flat soft teethers for her to chew on. she seemed to enjoy eating our fingers because they were soft for her to bite down on. also noticed she was forcing her fists far back to bite down at the back of her gums but then making herself gag. again the small flat teethers good to let them chew anywhere in the mouth. Nuby did the best teether I thought, can put it in the fridge for added relief.