Hi please give me reply as much as possible , My wife give Birth 3 moths ago ? while she will went for toilet and she got heavy blood claughts like too heavy blood bleeding , she felt unconscious , we are bring her to hospital which is she given birth place .and the Doctor Satyavathi said she con't understand ? what is really on going and she reomoded to go to physician? And pleaase i ask you all of you? i wat to be she back to noraml ? what is this problem? ans it's could be happend after 3 months ? because she worried everyday about it please suggest what we can do? and what care she need to taken? Please Advise . Thank you.
My wife got bleeding after 3 months c... - Pregnancy and Par...
My wife got bleeding after 3 months continuiesly .

If you are not happy with your doctors advise then seek a second opinion. An Internet forum will not give you the answers
I’m so sorry to hear your wife’s been suffering, I hope the doctors can get it under control, find the cause. I had very heavy bleeding and passing large clots after having my little girl however my problem was retained placenta and I ended up back in hospital to have it removed. Hope the doctors looking after your wife get you both the answers/treatment needed x
Thank you for your concern and also sad to hear that your previous issue.
We are going to verify some test with some of the specialist there let see what's going on and I hope everything be like a normal soon and i can see her smile face.
I had a secondary post partum haemorrhage and lost 2 litres of blood at home but this was 2 weeks after the birth. I passed blood clots that were huge! This was due to infection. I was put on a hormone and antibiotic drip and was in hospital for several days. Because my iron levels remained high I wasn’t given a blood transfusion. I was given strong antibiotics and iron tablets to take home with me. I had to take the iron tablets for several months. I stopped producing breast milk as a result of the PPH. I’m not sure if this could still be relevant three months after birth but it’s something you could bring up. I hope you get it sorted, it was the most scariest thing I have ever been through and the support of the midwife team and the consultant was really important. I agree with the above, see if you can get a second opinion. Good luck!