Hello, I wonder before vaginal birth whether they check if you are eligible to give vaginal birth. For example, if your bone structure does not suit to give a birth what happens? It is quite scary if you learn this on delivery date. Another question is I have hypoglicemia I feel angry within 30 min. During delivery can we eat something?
Delivery and Emergency: Hello, I wonder... - Pregnancy and Par...
Delivery and Emergency

I've never been checked to see if I should or shouldn't have a vaginal birth. Unless there is a reason for them to question your ability to birth vaginally I think perhaps the assumption is that the woman's body is built for the task. The body goes through some colossal changes during pregnancy to prepare the body for labour.
I've been told by my midwife eating during delivery is possible. I'm certainly planning on bringing some snacks with me to help me keep my energy going.
When you have your appointment with the midwife make sure you express how you are feeling regarding delivery so she may put your mind at ease.
So long as you have not been 'knocked out' with sedation, you should be ok to eat. General rule of thumb is GCS 15 = ok!
I doubt you will want to eat though - but there are other options such as oral hypostop or iv dextrose boluses if needed.
Our hospital tells us to bring snacks, easy to chew and bite size, for during labour to keep our energy up. The only time you can't eat is if you have a spinal/general for surgery and ideally you won't have eaten for a few hours before, not sure if this applies to epidural too. Certainly worth discussing with your midwife and/or antenatal teacher.
Whilst you are in labour and it looks like the baby is stuck then they will take you round to theatre for delivery. Is it your first baby? I was offered food when I was on delivery suite in early labour but chose not to as didn't really feel like eating at the time.
I have got to have an elective C-section with my 3rd as my 2nd was shoulder dystocia, as I carry big babies and I am not that big ( think that is from my husband being a whopping 11lbs when he was born). I would rather have it naturally if I am honest but I will go with whatever they say.
Unless your midwife is worried and told you other wise then your body will know what to do. Speak to your midwife and ask her advice.