Any Ladies Here Due Feb 2018? - Pregnancy and Par...

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Any Ladies Here Due Feb 2018?

hannking profile image
72 Replies

Wondering if there is any ladies due around feb time next year. Being. first time mum it's daunting so would be nice to talk to someone who's at same stage as me!

I've been struggling with bleeding a lot through this pregnancy just wondering if anyone's had the same?

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hannking profile image
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72 Replies
3DFred profile image

Hi I'm due late February but I haven't had any bleeding up to Now. I'm sorry you keep having bleeds, it must be stressful

Everything is really daunting and on top of that, I don't feel pregnant. Does anyone else feel this way?

loyton profile image
loyton in reply to 3DFred

3D Fred hi my name Lara I just join please tell how to follow people

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to loyton

You can click on the person's name which takes you to their profile and it says follow.

If you want to follow this chat, it's at the top just under the original question/post.

Good luck with everything!

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

I don't feel pregnant, been told I have a huge bump for 20 weeks though!

Lolkalepimary profile image
Lolkalepimary in reply to 3DFred


Feeling normal and is due mid February

London7 profile image

I'm due at the start of March. I had one incident of bleeding at 12 weeks (the very day after my nuchal scan and when I thought I could finally start to tell people ...). Subsequent scans have shown all is okay - they think it was something called a subchorionic haematoma. It hasn't happened again but I haven't really relaxed since (to be fair, this being an IVF pregnant I wasn't exactly relaxed before, either!). I can only imagine how stressful and scary it must be to have to deal with a lot of bleeding in pregnancy.

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to London7

Very sressful! I don't cope well with stress either! I'm glad everything is okay for you in your pregnancy! You must be over the moon!

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to hannking

Totally over the moon! It's our first too. I just want time to hurry up now - March seems so far away!!

I'm due 9th Feb first baby too. I struggled a lot with bleeding from 6-10 weeks but thankfully all ok now xx

Jazzy313 profile image

I'm due Feb 9th 2018 no bleeding in the beginning I had cramps thought I was coming on but never did! Cramps stopped very early! I wish you well moving forward! 💞

loyton profile image
loyton in reply to Jazzy313

Jazzy313 I need your help

Jazzy313 profile image
Jazzy313 in reply to loyton

how can I help ?

loyton profile image
loyton in reply to Jazzy313

help me

sweetilemon profile image

I'm not due until 1/4/18 but I have had quite a bit of bleeding, all scans show everything is fine and growing well. Midwifes think its an irritated cervix so I'm just trying to be careful.

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to sweetilemon

That's what midwives have said to me but they can't quite give me a proper explanation. The last 3 weeks without fail on a Monday morning it's happened.

N-gulavic profile image

Im due feb 2018! Im also 19 and a half weeks at the moment and im also a first time mum! Im so happy to hear that there someone out there who is at the same stage as me :') and no i havent bled at all but i know one of my friends did and she was fine and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl about a month ago, if your not sure just go and speak to the midwife or also the doctor :) good luck!

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to N-gulavic

Aww! How have you been finding the pregnancy in general? Do you get much backache?

I'm glad your friend is okay and her baby is too!

N-gulavic profile image
N-gulavic in reply to hannking

Its honestly been a breeze so far but now im 22 weeks and i feel irritable sometimes, also i cant sleep as well anymore, vivid dreams are also in the cocktail.. no back aches yet but im sure they will kick in once the baby is a little bigger..

I'm due in Feb for the first time! Had some bleeding at 9th week and I was devastated because a year ago it ended up in miscarriage.... But next week I have a scan and I hope to find out boy or a girl :)

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to

Aww! I hope your scan goes well for you! I found out this week what i was having as they were scanning me in hospital because of the bleeding. Officially got my 20 week scan on Tuesday so I'm just praying she's growing fine and there isn't anything wrong!

in reply to hannking

Bleeding is so stressful!! I wish all the best for you and your baby girl inside you :)

hxanita profile image

Hey, I'm also due in February 2018 and had terrible anxiety. Sometimes I just wake up anxious and it carries on throughout the day. All the stress and tension make my bump hurt. I have had two missed miscarriages in the first trimester . One in 2015 and 2016 and I'm paranoid about everything and worrying that something might go wrong or that my anxiety and stress alone might cause harm:(

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to hxanita

Oh honey! That must be awful for you! Your in the second trimester now though and ive been told that it's rare for anything to happen this late on... I hope everything is okay.

It's hard to deal with anxiety when your growing another human!

Don't be afraid to talk about it though! I find talking helps me! X

hxanita profile image
hxanita in reply to hannking

Thanks so much hannkin. Really appreciate the kind words. I must say the health care I receive is amazing. I get the scans every couple of weeks but every pain I feel really freaks me out. I'm a super anxious person anyway and my stress levels have been through the roof. Work doesn't help. How are you managing? Xx

Hi, I'm due Feb with my first although I have not experienced any bleeding. I think the thing is to seek help at any stage if you feel unsure about anything unusual happening to your body. I wouldn't have any issues phoning triage/maternity unit to get advice or to seek medical help. You've got to feel confident that everything is ok for you and your baby.

Join up to a variety of websites and download a couple of apps like Bounty, Emma's Diary and Cow & Gate etc as they do give lots of advice and freebies to help out at every stage. You definitely need to be able to talk about any issue (and also the good bits!) so I'm sure we'll all be delighted to help you through this. After all, we are all going through the same thing and Feb isn't too far away.

Take care and say hi at anytime.

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to

Yeah I definitely second getting apps and reading good websites. I haven't seen a doctor since I told them I became pregnant, and I've seen my midwife twice.

I know they say you can always contact them if you have any concerns, but I don't actually feel there's that much routine guidance and support even if it's your first pregnancy. I think it's really easy to worry your head off especially in the early stages, which can overshadow the excitement/joy.

I haven't told a lot of people I'm pregnant (including family) because 1) I don't feel pregnant 2) to avoid people's judgements and negativity (my partner and I are different ethnicities and religions). 3) it all just doesn't feel real or certain.

Maybe after the anomaly scan I'll start telling people 🤔🙄😕. If I had bleeding I think it would make me even more private.

in reply to 3DFred

P.s. I know what you mean about not feeling pregnant. My first scan was bizarre as I couldn't believe that the baby was inside me! I'm only just starting to show although most people can't see it yet. I'm still able to fit in all my trousers with the help of a belly belt. I've also purchased a couple of tops the next size up as maternity clothing is still too big for me.

As for your ethnic/religious differences... for me I wouldn't listen to anyone with prejudices but I know that's easier said than done. I'm an older mum (39 and am referred to as a geriatric mum!!!) and am getting a little stick for that but doing my best to shrug it off.

We shall both have beautiful babies that will be looked and looked after. That's the most important thing.

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to


I am 15 weeks and am massive! I was only 9stone 8lbs before I got pregnant. I cant get into any of my trousers or jeans and am living in leggings. I have just ordered some maternity jeans from Mothercare this weekend and had to buy new bras this week too! I dont mind but honestly did think it would be a while before I got this big hehe!!xx

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to

It's mainly his family who refuse to acknowledge me let alone accept me. Some of them are quite racist and the others are afraid of being ostracised for sticking up for us.

It's all just doing my head in now especially as I'm pregnant.

And you're not old!! My mum was 40 when she had me. She only had two children so there's a 15 year age gap between my sister and I (I'm the younger one).

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

I know how that feels we know the sex now and nothing is on Facebook, it's really strange bumping into friends I haven't seen for a while and then seeing the excitement on their faces when they see the bump!

I hope everything goes okay with your scan!

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to


I always ring them but because it's a regular occurrence I feel like a nuisance now!

I've signed up to Emmas diary and bounty... not heard of any others though!

in reply to hannking

A lot of the supermarkets do online baby clubs too.

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to

Oh really I didn't know this! I'll have to search online!

I only visited my GP when I first found out I was pregnant as I didn't know what the protocol was. It was them that referred me to the Midwife.

I have a few health issues so have them watching me closely although only extra appointments for the health issues.

Thankfully, I'm passed the tired phase although I believe it may come back in the 3rd trimester. I'm trying to maintain some sort of fitness by walking my dog and swimming once or twice per week when possible.

Yes, there isn't a great deal of information but it's out there if you look for it. It greatly depends on the area you live in. At the moment, I feel very lucky with the support I have been given. Long may it continue.

Well, you take care and be sure to bring up any issue, big or small, at your forth coming appointments or ensure you seek help if something is worrying you.

nikki85xx profile image

Hello there, I'm due 28th march . I haven't had any bleeding or anything at the moment but I'm happy to chat when ever . Xx

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to nikki85xx

Aww your just behind me then! I'm due 2nd Feb! How are you feeling about the whole pregnancy?

It's nice to be able to talk to others who are also pregnant, I do talk to my family and friends and boyfriend but not a lot of them are in my position at the moment, and my mother in law is a big help too as she's had three children but it's nice talking to people who aren't family.

loyton profile image

Thank you very much

bluewanderlust profile image

Hi, I am a first time Mom and am due 8th March so am now 15w +2 :) I would love to chat xx

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to bluewanderlust

That is just two days after my estimated due date! I knew we were close but didn't realise it was quite that close!

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to London7

Ahh thats nice, I was actually due on the 12th but they bought me forward 4 days due to baby being bigger! How are you getting on?xx

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to bluewanderlust

I'm good. Still haven't really relaxed but every day I'm getting less anxious and worried. It helps that I'm finally getting a bit of a belly which is a reassuring sign things are still okay. How are you getting on? Xx

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to London7

Getting really big!! Had to buy maternity bras and can only fit in leggings, haven't been able to wear my jeans for weeks. I am passed the tired stage now but had the flu jab on Friday and have felt so rough since then. I am also on 150mg of asprin which really worries me for my babies development. I need to ask more questions to my consultant as it has been prescribed purely due to my age (44) but I wish I didn't have to take it. My BMI is 23 blood pressure normal xx

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to bluewanderlust

I bought myself new bras at 11 weeks - I was getting that awful "overflow" look! And am also in maternity jeans now. But I look like I've been overindulging in cakes rather than pregnant! Ah, I still need to get the flu jab. My Gp isn't getting it in until the end of this month. Sorry to hear it has made you feel rough - that's something I've still got to look forward to! Xx

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to London7

Ahh bless you, I thought it was just me!. I never really lost the weight and bloating after the ivf. I thought it would all go down before I started to show baby weight but no, have been big for 4 months!! Yes the flu jab was painless but have felt flu symptoms and been sleeping all weekend because of it! I never really feel like I can completely relax with this pregnancy as it is virtually impossible for us to try again if anything goes wrong xxx

in reply to bluewanderlust

I had the whooping cough innovation last week and my arm ached for a couple of days. I get the flu jab every year but it never has any affect on me. Hoping you are all keeping well. I'm due 21st Feb and not showing mum and everyone asks where my bump is so not feeling all that real for me yet. I can still get into my jeans with the help of a belly band. I'm passed the tired stage too, thankfully. Going to start some decorating next week whilst I'm feeling more energetic.

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to

I'm due 20th Feb!

I haven't been offered any flu or cough vaccines yet but I'm moving soon so my care is on stand still a bit.

I felt like I had energy for the last couple of weeks, but now the morning sickness is back and I literally want to scream at myself for not making the most of all the time I had to eat all the nice foods 🤢😒

bluewanderlust profile image

I have had several bleeds first one was at 5 weeks and only lasted a few days then it started again at 7 weeks and lasted all way through till 12 week! It has been very stressful without any real reason for it being given other than suggested implantation bleeding. How are you getting on?xx

London7 profile image

Just thought I would add that I was just chatting to a friend who gave birth three weeks ago - I mentioned my bleed and she mentioned for the first time that she had spotting through her entire pregnancy and they couldn't ever work out why. Anyway, she now has a very happy and healthy little girl.

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to London7

My cousin didn't even know she was pregnant and gave birth in the toilet.

Obviously had proper spotting all the way and delivered a very healthy little girl.

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to 3DFred

Wow! I know someone who has period-like bleeds every month so didn't realise she was pregnant until 4 months along (baby was fine) but haven't heard of anyone going the whole way - that's amazing! She must have been completely shocked!

Laone profile image

Hi I'm due 21st of March first baby too,. I had the few spotting which obviously left me worried because 2 years ago I had a miscarriage. From the other ladies reply it's normal for some women to bleed during pregnancy and go on to have a healthy baby, one friend of mine did bleed a lot but had a healthy baby boy. As for ethnicity don't pay too much attention to what people think. I'm black and my other half is white I couldn't care less what people think. Our child will be loved just the same. Try not to stress, I know it's easier said than done. All the best . xx

in reply to Laone

I have the same due date as you. Hoping you are keeping well

loyton profile image


Yummum3 profile image

Im due jan 2018 3rd baby. Currently suffering flu like symptoms even after flu jab. Been worse 1 so far back ache constant morning sickness. Its the best though feelin them kicks. No bleeding have you been checked out sometimes some woman can still bleed during pregnancy. As long as baby ok and its not excessive probly nothing to worry about hun.

loyton profile image


daylelucy23 profile image

Im due February 4th 2018💓

At the start of the pregnancy I was bleeding a lot, bright red blood with clots. And little one was perfectly fine! They didn’t really give me much of a reason as to why I bled so much but it stopped after 18 weeks 👣

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to daylelucy23

Aw your due two days after me! I’m glad it’s all stopped now for you though!! Mine stopped at week 19 and I’m 24 Weeks on Friday and now feeling little madam move and kick every day! It’s such a good feeling after being so worried about the bleeding!!

Mummykcck profile image

I'm due 8th of Feb with a lil princess this will be my 3rd child I have e two boys age 4+5 I have not had any bleeding but I am suffering from back pain really badly I have a very tiny bump for this stage of pregnancy hope all goes well xx

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to Mummykcck

Is your backache just on one side at all? I’ve been suffering with really bad backache but only on my right side and I get it in the front of my ribs on the right side too... xx

3DFred profile image

How is everyone doing!? I’m only just now looking at buying the big baby items! On another note, at my 20 week scan, the sonographer said I had a low lying placenta. Anyone else been told this? It’s nearly time for the extra scan to check if the placenta has moved up, but I’m still anxious as to what happens if it hasn’t.

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

I’ve had no more bleeding thank god!! 31weeks +2 now!! Getting slightly anxious about the birth now though, can physically see my baby girl moving in my belly now most of the day she’s really active so it’s very exciting!

I’ve still not brought the big items! Hospital bags are packed and ready to go but we just need to buy travel system and nursery furniture

3baby1 profile image

I'm due in feb! Also this is my first pregnancy...I'm excited then other it can be scary. I think it'should just the whole unknown fear. Do you know what you are having? I feel him proper move and turn now and my partner was feeling him kick. Yesterday I wasn'the getting alot of movement and was wee bit worfied but I've been feeling him move as normal today. I feel like a confused idiot they say your meant to feel them move every hour then say that they sleep up to 20 hours in the whom so what do you's super confusing 😂

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3baby1

I’m having a little girl... if your ever concerned about their movements ring the maternity triage number on the front of your maternity notes...

I’ve been in to the hospital twice with reduced movements and they’ve been brilliant... midwife said to me she’d rather me go in and have my mind set at ease when she does start moving rather than waiting and something does go wrong.

How many weeks are you?

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to 3baby1

I don’t know what I’m having, but I’m convinced we’re having a boy. The clothes I’ve bought so far are quite neutral (lies, they’re quite boyish) but I do find myself totally convinced he’s a he lol.

I even call the baby by the boys name we’ve picked out. I hope someone gets a picture of the shock on my face if we have a little girl 😳😳😳

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

Have you been craving sweet or salty foods?

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to hannking

I haven’t had any cravings :( but all I want to do is sleep hahaha does that count?

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

Not sure haha! But I’ve been exactly the same wanting to sleep through everything

3DFred profile image

How’s everyone doing? Most babies here yet? I’m 40+3 now 😒

hannking profile image
hannking in reply to 3DFred

My little girl was born at 40+2 after a very traumatic birth.... she was 8lb 4oz

3DFred profile image
3DFred in reply to hannking

My baby still hasn’t engaged so I’m pretty sure it’s going to be an induction soon. Here they only let you go 10 days over. But congrats on your daughter 🎉🎊! I’m sorry the birth was traumatic but at least she arrived safely xx

in reply to hannking

Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl. Hoping you are both home and healing well x

in reply to 3DFred

I’m still waiting too. I’m 40+2. I turned down a sweep yesterday but will take it next week if offered then. The area I’m in, induce on day 12 after the due date. My baby has been engaged since week 34 but no labour signs at the moment. I just can’t seem to get comfortable and sleeping is tricky.

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