So me and my boyfriend had sex three days in a row. Last night we didn't and now my lower front left side of my stomach hurts. Could I be pregnant? I need help
Could I be pregnant: So me and my... - Pregnancy and Par...
Could I be pregnant
I am 17. And I'm just scared because What ppl will say about me
If you had unprotected sex then you could be pregnant. Are you late for your period? If you're not late and you used protection it's unlikely you're pregnant.
If you were pregnant don't worry what other people think. I had my son at 18 and I wouldn't change a thing he's the best surprise I could have asked for.
Take a pregnancy test a few days after your period is due if you're late and see what it says. Try not to panic.
It was unprotected and my period is on the 29th
If it's on the 29th you wouldn't know yet. If you are late on your period take a test. Might be worth getting the morning after pill. You can take it up to 72hours after having sex if you had sex within that time frame. If you repeatedly have unprotected sex there's a pretty high chance you will get pregnant. I know you might think oh it's just once it'll be fine but that's how I got pregnant at 17. It does happen. If you've had unprotected sex with your partner before this lot of 3 times of unprotected sex uou might already be pregnant. Have you had normal regular periods for last few months? If you're desperate to know you could get an early test clear blue but even they only do it a week or so before your period is due and the further away from your period the more unlikely you'll get an accurate result. Do you have an adult like family friend or anyone you could speak to ? Might be good have someone to take the test with or could help you find a form of contraception that is best for you.
Hope this helps.
If the first time you ever had sex was 4 days ago the it's too early to know if you are pregnant or not. You wouldn't get any symptoms so early. It's simple though if you have sex there's a chance you can get pregnant.
What people think doesn't matter, but if you are not ready to have a child (which is a great thing but a huge responsibility) then get contraception or abstain.
Hi Destiny,
I would go to a boots pharmacy or walk in clinic and get the morning after pill, its free for anyone your age and is completely secret and as someone else has said you can take it up to 72 hours (3 days) after the unprotected sex. If you have a mobile phone that you can use apps on you should download an app called Clue, there are other apps out there but this is great, so you can keep a track of your cycle. There is a certain point in your cycle where you are ovulating and this is when you are able to get pregnant, the app helps you to estimate when this point is and can help you avoid pregnancy this way. Have a look into other contraception methods too but do your research before you start any course of contraception.
Good luck