Well I am 10 days past the day I was supposed to start my period and I still haven't started yet. On the 7th day I took a pregnancy test and it was negative but I still haven't started. Part of me feels like I could be but I've had false hope several times when I thought I was so I don't know what to think . I'm only 37 I'm not old enough for menopause so I concerned what's wrong with me, Any ideas?
Concerned: Well I am 10 days past the... - Pregnancy and Par...

I'm following this post as I'm the excact same boat! Have you got irregular periods? I'm never this late! Are you trying for a baby? If so I hope we get the 2 lines we want! maybe go to the doctors for a blood test? Keep me updated ?
I've always been on time most the time I keep up with it on a calendar so I always know when I'm supposed to start. I've been feeling like I'm going to start this whole time but nothing. We haven't been trying but if it happens I'll be really happy. If you have been trying I hope you get the results you want. I think I'm going to try another test tomorrow morning when I get up and see what it says.
Well I took another test this morning and it still says negative and I still haven't started. Idk what's wrong with me it's kinda making me depressed a little I was hoping it would say positive I guess maybe I'm just going to start late ☹️
I spoke to my sister, she didn't get a positive until she was 2 weeks after her period was due! All I can say is to try stay positive! It's depressing and it drives me crazy too! How about a blood test at the doctors?
I guess I'll wait another week n if I don't start I'll get a appt cause it makes me worried I just hope it's nothing else and thank you I'm trying to be positive it's just really stressing me out
Aw okay! And it's alright! Have you had any cramps?
Well I'm lightly bleeding today I guess that means I started my period n I was just late not was I was wanting though I really was hoping to be pregnant it made me cry a lil this morning but I know if it's meant to be then I will be when it's right. Thanks everyone for the kind words n support it definetly helped 😀
How do you know if your having a miscarriage??
Well to have a miscarriage you gave to have a positive pregnancy test,... If you're bleeding and the pregnancy test was always negative then it's your period.
Yea I know I'm just concerned because it's not normal I don't think it's a miscarriage but it don't seem like a normal period it's lighter bleeding and I'm hurting really bad my tummy hurts so bad in the front on the left side so bad it makes me wanna cry
If it's only light bleeding it's very unlikely to be a miscarriage. You would have clots and the worst period pain ever and wouldn't have the strength to even get out of bed when it gets to its worst. You would know if you're miscarrying. If you've always had regular periods, it's worth talking to your doctor about this. But periods can change over your lifetime and this could be normal. Maybe you came off the pill not that long ago, could that be a reason?
I haven't been on the pill in a very long time maybe my body is just changing since I'm gettin older I know the days I'm fertile n ovulating I hurt more but this pain is awful n sometimes my period is awful n I bleed bad with blood clots idk I do worry a lot when things aren't normal
Try clear blue plus it's the new clear blue pregnancy test! I tried it 6days before my period was due and it picked it up! My docor tried to tell me I wasn't pregnant after 8 clear blue positives so she sent it off to the lab and I got positive. Everyone is different I know someone who didn't get a positive till four and a half months as no doctor would believe her and every test was negative but she knew something was wrong! I hope you are pregnant and everything goes well for you!