Does anyone know what a sure start children center is and an early pregnancy assessment?
Question: Does anyone know what a sure... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi, childrens centres offer all sort of support and services for parents, and in my area when you are discharged from Midwifes post baby, you can go to cc for baby clinic to get baby weighed.
EPA is usually monitoring/ investigating pregnancy before 12 weeks. ( as I understand)
Hope this helps
Omg im so scared, ive had a history of an eating disorder over 7 yrs ago an i am recoverd from that , since being pregnant ive had the norm anxity puttold my midwifes as i was finding it hard to sleep, she thenreffered me to the community health team who i see every 2 weeks and she doesnt seem to think its anythung other than change in to mothethood well tjats what she tells me. But ive been asked to consent to sign for this sure start center thing, my partner says im being silly but im really scared they think im a nutter and ate going get ss invovle and take my child away at birth cos i have anxitiy.
Childrens centres are really good at offering support when needed Hun, don't worry about it. They offer stay & play groups, run basic first aid courses and do other little groups like baby massage & sensory play sessions.
All the consent form should do as far as I'm aware, is register you with your local centre so they can send you details of when different groups are on etc.
they are also a great way to meet other mums. The nhs Antenatal classes are often held at the childrens centres too.
If it helps to put your mind at rest, look on your local childrens centre website to see what they are all about xx take care Hun xx
I had (and recovered from) an ED and was also pretty anxious during pregnancy. There are thousands of us out there who have had a mental illness pre-childbirth and who are happy and healthy now with happy and healthy babies. Nobody is going to take your child away from you. x
Hey sweetie, they all ask u to sign a consent form I cant imagine ss get them all. Just because u are anxious doesn't mean your a nutter or that u will lose ur baby, I'd b candidate a if u did as have suffered with depression and anxiety in the past and was v upfront with my midwife about my past. If your anxious seek help from a dr, dont let it spoil u doing things with your baby xx
Im so anxious i ring up my midwifes whem i have a question and it like they yhink im pestering, i rang other day cos i was confused who was actually invovled in my pregnancy and she got high raye with me and told me i was unnessarly being anxious im just worried there goi g to say im infit to be a parent, my partner says imbeing silly but i am so concerned xx
Im so anxious i ring up my midwifes whem i have a question and it like they yhink im pestering, i rang other day cos i was confused who was actually invovled in my pregnancy and she got high raye with me and told me i was unnessarly being anxious im just worried there goi g to say im infit to be a parent, my partner says imbeing silly but i am so concerned xx
First thing to do is breathe. Any health care body will do it's upmost to help you with your baby, and they don't like taking children from their parents if possible. You will get the chance for counselling long before they think about taking your baby, so I hope that helps ease your mind a little. Children centres need your consent, no matter who you are or what your past is, so your are not being singled out there.
When I was pregnant I used the aptamil mums helpline to get information and to talk out my concerns, maybe you should try that? Also, try to get ante natal classes as meeting other mums might help you find peace from others' stories.
I have had eating disorders, severe depression, anxiety, and when I talked to my midwife she offered to get me referred to a counsellor if I wanted it, and you will be given the option if you do ask. It won't lead to them taking your baby if you are proactive in trying to get better
Im finding it really hard to confine in my support worker worried she will use things i say against her, i want to ring her and qsk questions but does that seem like im a 'nutjob' so to say or do they see it as im trying
when I went for a GTT (diabetes) test, somebody representing SureStart was there and eager to take all of our contact details to get us involved in our local children's centres. We all signed consent forms - literally just to say they are allowed to store our contact details to get in touch with info, events, etc. She hadn't asked us anything at all about our personal lives, pasts, etc. so this really was just a government promotional thing for all mums-and-babies-to-be. So it will have nothing to do with your past of anxiety or eating disorders etc!!
Similarly to other women on here, I have also suffered from anorexia nervosa and recovered 3 years ago. Chose not to mention this to the midwife simply because she never asked and I felt no need to bring it up because I am fortunate enough to feel confident that it really is behind me for good. I did however mention history of anxiety/depression because they like to know if you are taking any medication and I was taking antidepressants at the time. However, they see many, many, many mums who have had mental health vulnerabilities, even some who still very much are suffering with them - they are not there to judge or to take babies away, only to make sure they are offering you the care and support you want/need. Just remember that you can share as much or as little as you like with any or all of your midwives/doctors etc - it doesn't matter if you tell one person part of it, and another person a different part. They do not gossip or compare notes. Share whatever you feel you want to!!
Thank you so muxh you have answered alot for me there spec with the whole telling midwifes sumet and my mht the whole story xx
How is it going? I just wanted to let you know that anxiety and asking midwives lots of questions is a natural part of being pregnant. I have no history of mental illness and I work as a healthcare professional but I too often had questions/concerns/worries which I often asked my midwife to the point the that I'm sure she must have hated me. I found a antenatal yoga class in my area which helped me to be calmer and meet other mums to be. Have a look on the nct website for ones in your area as this may help you too. On a professional note my patients often have lots of anxiety when I meet them prior to surgery and I remind them that surgery like pregnancy is a big change to our bodies and it would be strange not to have a certain level of anxiousness. The only stupid question is the question that is not asked.