Im nearly ending 10 weeks pregnant and not had any appointments, letters or dates? Is this normal or should i chase it up..... Im in Hampshire so not sure if different else where, and its my 3rd child,.... been many years so I have no clue if its changed lol . The appointment i have had was with gp where he asked a few questions and booked me into my chosen hospital.
Hello everyone, When did you get your... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hello everyone, When did you get your first appointment and scan date?

That happened to me too - they lost my appointment letter! (Well, I never got it...) I called them up after coming on here like you have and my appointment was actually the next day. Good old NHS
So definitely call up and chase your hospital as you need to get your booking appointment and first scan soon x
Things must work differently in your neck of the woods! Haha. When i found out i was pregnant (both times) i called gp surgery and booked appointment with midwife. She kept me right from there and arranged all my scan and follow up appointments etc. hope that helped :s x
Hiya. Am in Hants too and I had my booking in appt with midwife when I was 8 weeks. My doc passed on my details after I saw her when I found out I was pregnant, around 3 weeks. I would chase up as my care was all midwife led at a local birth centre and my first scan was at 12 weeks so you'll need to get them on the case as there's a window for some of the screening tests you will need. Good Luck!
Thats my main worry , the time gap for the nucal scan ect...will ring them monday then. . . thanks guys, hey mrschuzwazzas where in hants are you?
I think the first scan is at 12 weeks. If you are feeling uncertain then maybe you should phone your midwife. She should be able to tell you and be able to chase up the hospital about your appointment.