I do not get my periods regularily - Always been like this, so I never knew I was pregn. with my 1st son until 17 weeks - also because I had symptoms as if I had an infection/virus.
12 out of 14 nights when husband was home, we had sex. Last Friday, I felt really nautious after lunch & had bad diarrhea, which finished that day!! Since then, my stomach has Always felt bloated, but I am hungry, I get back pain, abdominal pain & prior to all of this, I was dizy & blacked out one day.
When can I take a pregnancy test?? Am I getting my hopes up too soon?? I know 3 weeks is too soon to have symptoms, but thought I would ask as I had lots of sex after my period (same way I got preg. 1st time), and I feel nautious like I did before, just the only difference is that may be it is too soon?